AdSense Ready Themes - Do they work?

Shanker Bakshi
Shanker Bakshi
from Gurgaon
16 years ago

Heard about Thesis or other AdSense ready themes. How much they help to achive maximum AdSense CTR. Dose any one hare have any idea how much it helps make money out of big G's pocket.

Charms!!! Shanker Bakshi

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
Rajat Arora
Rajat Arora
from New Delhi
16 years ago

Adsense Ready Themes work.

Though I agree with Renie that such themes have been optimized for SEO. But they score a notch higher in terms of Ad-Placement too. 

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

There's an excellent post here on this subject. I'd say that an adsense-ready theme is only as good as it's SEO readiness.


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