My blog doesn't come up in Indiblogger search field!

Karishma J.
Karishma J.
from Thrissur
13 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm new here, having started my food blog (Effortless Cooking Easy Baking) last month, at I signed up for Indiblogger a few weeks ago and today received an email stating that my ranking was 68/100. Of course, I was overjoyed at this...But when I searched for my blog in the food blog category and then in the search field on this site itself, nothing turned up...0 results! I'm surprised and confused...anybody can help me on why this happened? I've written to the support team today and hoping they will reply!

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Kerala
13 years ago

Karishma, nothing wrong in the listing, you have not added the tag "food". Add a new tag "food" to get listed under food blog category.

Prashanth JC
Prashanth JC
from Bangalore
13 years ago

Very strange haan?!

With such a good ranking of 68/100, it really is a surprise that your Blog doesn't appear in the IndiBlogger listing. Hope the issue gets resolved sooner and do keep us updated of the outcome.

Best Wishes!


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