How to get rid of all the junk that appeared on the top of my forum topic?

from Mumbai
14 years ago

I posted a topic for discussion in the General and Offbeat section yesterday and didn't think of checking the actual page. Today when I opened it, I see all the junk on the top of the discussion. I don't know how it appeared and it looks ghastly. Renie, please can you look into it and remove it or something? there is no way for the authors to edit it, is there?

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Oh yes, he does! It means a lot to someone like me who is all thumbs when it comes to any technical thing!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks for responding to this request Renie!

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Renie cares! Smile 

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

@Addy Renie is forced to. Nahe toh Indipolice waat laga denge na :P

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