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A poetry blog seeking your reviews

Heena Ansari
Heena Ansari
from Chennai
14 years ago

Friends, basically i made this blog to put all the fiction stuff i write at one place (scattered notes and crumbled paper everywhere din look all that nice Undecided).. but now it is just limited to poetry... and i need to know if i my randomly rhymed lines actually mean something Tongue out..

Jokes apart.. My blog awaits your review Smile 

Replies 1 to 10 of 10
from Delhi
14 years ago

First meaningful poetery blog what has geniunely touched my heart.

from Delhi
14 years ago

Nice artwork and I liked those 4 lined poems about various stages of life. The other poems are fantastic too

Punton Piper
Punton Piper
from Chennai/Kolkata
14 years ago

Good, just right.. makes you smile.. thats what 1 expects from a quick read..

from New Delhi/New York
14 years ago
Heena Ansari
Heena Ansari
from Chennai
14 years ago

thanks abhishek, punton and sanjana Smile

i really din expect such a sweet responce ... love this place already.. \m/

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

hey hi , have a poetry blog myself , so cudnt miss this topic !

saw ur blog , nice n simple , te name is quite lovely , template luks good , te content is simple n subtle , n u cn keep ur readers hooked by te imagery in ur lines , nice use of words , lovely musings....all in all, a great read , n i wil b surely back for me....ur blog deserves much more readership , n over time , u wil surely get them.....

following ur blog , n adding u to my network !

n since u r a poetess , cn i plz ask u to go thru my blog n see if u find something interesting ! 

Thanx , n keep up te good work !

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago
Parwathi. S. Hegde
Parwathi. S. Hegde
from Bangalore
14 years ago

hi... I read some of your posts... nice poems...."Shattered expectations & Say it again" were good one....


Heena Ansari
Heena Ansari
from Chennai
14 years ago

@ the bar girl


thanks dear for reviewing my blog .. and now that u have pointed...my blog indeed is full of depressing crap Tongue out..actually every poem somewhat depicts my mood or that phase of my life..which is a very bad quality in me if i want to be a good writer some far away point in future Tongue out..

Will now try to put up some happy and sweet stuff.. keep coming there.. Smile thanks.

Heena Ansari
Heena Ansari
from Chennai
14 years ago

@just a pen in my hand..


went through your blog..and voila i was just taken aback..such a profound writer giving me such a good responce...modesty i guess Tongue out following your blog sir!

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

hey Heena...thanx ! lol , modesty , wont say so , jus bein as I am , n thanx again for following ! always gr8 to hv a fellow poet n poetess come along ! keep up te good work ! 

Heena Ansari
Heena Ansari
from Chennai
14 years ago

@ Parwathi


thanks dear Smile...your views mean a lot to me