Number of subscribers

from pune
14 years ago

Does number of subscribers represent popularity of blog or website? 

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from Minneapolis
14 years ago

I think it definitely represents. Atleast that's what I do to know if a blog is popular or not. I look at the number of Followers, Subscribers and average number of comments the blogger would get on each of his/her blog post.

Thats belony.. If u r writing anything that has even the slightest of adult language then in a hypocritical country like India, no-one is gonna publicly follow you.. they ll drop in , enjoy reading and buzz off!!


Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

Guys, can somebody tell me how to see how many people (and if possible, who) has subscribed to your blog? 

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


I was at your blog. And you use feedburner as I see. Feedburner gives you the stats of number of people subscribed to your blog through email and also who they are.

Hope this helps.


Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

Hey Sanjay, thanks for the visit. 

Yes, I know who the feedburner people are, and I know who the google friend connect people are. But if I go to google webmaster central, it says I have an additional 18 subscribers which it doesn't tell me anything about.; 

from Latur
14 years ago

Sakhi don't consider webmasters tool for subsribers bcos it don't show right stat You must see all stat in feedburner which is accurate.

Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

Okay, that's nice to know. :) 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

The number of followers and subscribers both, show the popularity I guess!

Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


I believe it does to a great extent. Though it is highly fluctuating, it definitely is a stat that gives the number of subscriptions to one's blog!



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