Let's pun...In this blog i pour my imagination
I've been blogging since 2005.After a haitus,I have been more regular blogger,tx to Indiblogger.I'm the ex-IT geeks whos left that domain(professionally for good) and now have my own fashion brand called Faporazee and I design a variety of fashion products ranging from clothes,bags,costumes,accessories,boots,etc.Writing have always been my passion.Always been a writing and art enthusiast since schooling.This is a new blog..However you are welcome to review my other blogs as well.I write a motley of things from poetry,philosophy,humour,satire etc.links are provided in the blogroll...Read on..let me know how you like it..
Ur blogroll is really on the roll.... Liked the format....
Big thanks :)
I read your blog before also..and I commented on the innovative ideas..
creative content I should say.. not the cliched topics..there is soemthing new in your content..and blog template I've seen a couple of people used the same one..it looks very attractive...
too many blogthings I felt..do people really see those things..
You said u've been blogging from 2005...thats same as me..but the oldest post I see is July 2010?..u had a diff blog?
overall an interesting blog..keep it up...
you may peek into my blog.. and if any feedback post it here http://www.indiblogger.in/forum/review.php?id=6267
Hey Anon,
Thanks for the wonderful review.This is my latest blog.My first blog remains on blogger.
I also have a portal http://channelreview.net followed by http://movies.channelreview.net where i give insights instead of synopsis.and many more...blogs and portals listed in the blogroll.do check them out..
tx :)
"Anon" :))))..I think am the only one...with an Alias name..."Anonymous"..surely will check the other blogs also...so much patience n energy u have to maintain that many.. good
hey everybody....thanks for the feedback :)
u dont want any more feedback
yes i do i do....its not an ending thank you note...its rather a never ending thank you note :P