Help me pasting my indirank widget to the blog. Ho wto do to it?

from raipur
14 years ago

I am 65th! but I don't know how to let everyone know because am unable to paste the widget on my blog. Pls help

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

People are more interested in IndiRank than to get @Rashmi 's indirank on her blog Tongue out This is awesome Wink

from raipur
14 years ago

hey guys,

its ok chill...u all r goin offtrackk

n i hv successfully uploaded the widget :P

njoy blogging

Varun Ramakrishnan
Varun Ramakrishnan
from Chennai
14 years ago

hi .. :) Why cant it be like this --- Let there be no change in the name - INDIRANK sounds good, but I guess the following can be done


For example :- I have a rank of 68 now --- instead I can be given a rank of 32 (100-68) ; and the one who gets 100 will have a rank of 1 ... and so on .... the one on 50 ( as per the present scoring ) will have a rank of 50 :)... !!!


is this not feasible ? hope someone looks into this !!! - thereby the name becomes logical enough !!!

from Chennai, Manama
14 years ago

The highest Indirank will then be 10?!

You will have to change the formula to calculate the votes too..


from Chennai, Manama
14 years ago

What is your blog on? - (self-hosted) / or blogger?

In any case, it is quite simple to copy and paste the code. If you provide more details, I can help  

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

I think rashmi has believed that Indi-rank is Ranking, as she has said she's 65th. I suggest the name be changed from Indi-rank to something like Indi-Score or Indi-Mark or what ever, which makes it clear!

To be honest, i was believing this is ranking & often felt proud to have 51 as first rank, as i saw older bloggers with 75 & 80 Laughing Then only did i  understand!

14 years ago

Earlier it used to get posted on blog automatically but this time it has not happened.

from Chennai, Manama
14 years ago

@Naveen - LOL - Lotsa ppl have this confusion - but we have become so used to calling it Indirank - a new name would be so weird..

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