Indiblogger is slow
I am using a network which shows the download speed as 10Mbps,Upload as 12Mbps on speedtest.. but still when I post something in just goes on loading..and sometimes for opening page just takes ages..
And I get this MySQL Server some error
Admins - Hey, I couldnt find something similar topic..if there is already only..merge this one there.
As promised here is the error message
Time - 4pm IST [incase u check some logs]
And now indiblogger is slow for me
+1 for me too, its working slow.
I can clearly see the the improvement now... Good job renie, thanks for sorting out that indivine posts expiring issue too :)
@Addy Never happens with me too!
@Renie Great to hear! *would be really great if you can give a demo showing toes crossed this time you are at #indihyd* Never saw anyone do that
We're upgrading IndiBlogger to a dedicated server in the next few days, hopefully we won't have any more performance issues then. (fingers and toes crossed!)
is it some issue only for Qatar ...
cos I get this error "MySQL server gone" quite often......then I again refresh it works...the next time it occurs..will report abt it here that u may check ur logs..
I have never faced the "slow problem" with indiblogger through various browsers and connections.
MySQL error? On which page? Is it the forum/indivine?
Forum boss!..ok today I dint face this but sometimes..I get this MySQL Server is gone...wonder where it goes:)?