Traffic sources for your blog

from pune
14 years ago

Which are the major traffic sources for your blog(s)? 



If you have significant amount of traffic from Indiblogger please share some tips about that.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Feels it is necessary
Replies 1 to 20 of 27 Ascending
Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
13 years ago

For my blog MONEY MATTERS , the share of Google organic search is 59%, 27% from referring sites and 14% is direct. Out of this 27% of referring sites, 40% is from Indiblogger, which comes out to be 11% of the total number of pageviews.

So for MONEY MATTERS, indiblogger matters a lot

My best source of traffic is Google organic.  This is the last month stats of one of my blog.


Unfortunately I don't have much traffic from indibloggerFrown



from Pune
13 years ago

My apologies for previous comment, the image is not been pasted properly.

Here the stats of my blog 


Site Usage


  • Referring Sites1,776.00 (42.96%)
  • Search Engines1,396.00 (33.77%)
  • Direct Traffic726.00 (17.56%)
  • Other236 (5.71%)

I believe I have descent google organic/inorganic searches, but I am not able to leverage the Indiblogger referrels. Any suggestions for it.

from Pune
13 years ago

Here are my stats on 'My Marketing Blog'


I believe I have descent google organic/inorganic searches, but I am not able to leverage the Indiblogger referrels. Any suggestions for it.

I dont have Google Analytics.. From AWStats, what I can see is at present all of my traffic is direct with occasional couple of visits a day coming from search engine.

Most of the direct visitors are from Orkut / FaceBook where as a good percentage of them seems to be having return visits..

in my blog, I hardly get 25/30 visits a day..

from Mumbai
13 years ago

That reply didnt go properly...

Search engines 60%

Referral 30%

Directly 10%


from Mumbai
13 years ago

The traffic Sources for my travel blog 

courtesy Google analytics is as follows:-

Top Traffic Sources Sources Visits % visits google (organic) 532 31.31% (referral) 413 24.31% (direct) ((none)) 226 13.30% (referral) 87 5.12%  
Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
13 years ago

If one is using adsense on his blog, then he should concentrate on getting the most visits from search engines only to get most of the benefit of clicks.....

My blog TheFundu gets about 50% visit from search engines, 35 % from refering and rest 15% directly....

from Mumbai
13 years ago

i think the most important thing to attract traffic is to have a blog that covers topics of general interest.Suraj's website has universal appeal that is why he is so successful.

Would like to know if there  are any websites to register for free, which the general public sees when they want to  find blogs of interest


R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
13 years ago

With your kind of LOFTY content Sowmya, you are bound to attract plenty of traffic google or otherwise. Excellent sites and I am an avid reader of Gitaaonline as well as Mantra on line. Kudos.

from Kerala
14 years ago

My Stats:

Google (Organic)-64.50%

Direct - 17.07% (Referral)-5.05% (Referral)- 2.62%

Indiblogger (Referral)-1. 78%

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

What is this  - organic - thing? 

Hey, thanks sujith, now i am using that thing! invisible browsing!

from Kerala
14 years ago

Organic  means traffic from Search engines because of the relevance of search terms

Naveen, Now you can access the blocked sites ?

from pune
13 years ago

Nice % of Google traffic Sujith!

R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Suraj78 How you cut and paste picture in this window. When I copy the pic and try to paste it does not work.

from Latur
14 years ago

Thanks for appreciation Sir! :) It will not work if you try to copy paste if will not work.

When you open analytics stat click on the button 'Print Screen' (right to the F12) and then open 'Paint' and copy via mouse or Ctr+V it will be their then you can crop it as u want and save it any format u want :) I hope it will work.


from Latur
14 years ago

Or if you are trying to put that image here then upload that image on blogger or anywhere and then use HTML option and insert it here. :)

R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
14 years ago

My Analytics Data and Chart are as below:

    • Referring Sites463.00 (64.13%)
    • Direct Traffic162.00 (22.44%)
    • Search Engines15.00 (2.08%)
    • Other82 (11.36%)

R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Suraj78 You have awesome numbers Dear! How do you make them happen!! Great Job.

from Latur
14 years ago

Thank you very much! Smile I just did my best as well as doing, I think making new relations and doing some SEO gave me this results. Also I can say that using self hosted blog that free blogger also can help to increase ranking as well as traffic.

R Saraswathan
R Saraswathan
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks Naveen I installed Alexa Tool Bar in my Google Chrome browser. My Alexa Rank is 423073 and Google PR is 2. How good / bad is this?!

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

Thanks Naveen? Why that? The efforts have all been ur's sir! 

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

My google analytics always showed 0! Surprised


Elizabeth Joseph
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hey Naveen,

You may have removed the analytics code when you changed your template. Insert the code given in analytics in the html code of your template, and you will see your traffic logged.

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

Where do i get the analytics code? :O

from Mumbai
14 years ago

How goos is the Blogger "Stats" tab for traffic analysis? 

Amit Purohit
Amit Purohit
from Ahmedabad
14 years ago

I have no such sources neither do I know who visits my blog..

Plainy writing my heart out!



My Infatuation Love Demystified

from pune
14 years ago

My blogs stats are available at

from pune
14 years ago

For Me mainly Google and dzone works! sometimes Twitter and Stumbleupon too..!


Source/Medium None Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site % New Visits Bounce Rate 1. google / organic 3,265 1.27 00:00:51 93.78% 82.42% 2. / referral 1,752 1.16 00:00:26 90.13% 89.61% 3. (direct) / (none) 1,359 1.33 00:01:08 76.82% 84.18% 4. / referral 341 1.54 00:00:38 97.95% 47.51% 5. / referral 206 1.68 00:02:08 90.78% 58.25% 6. / referral 184 1.20 00:00:44 30.98% 89.13% 7. / referral 119 1.19 00:00:33 91.60% 84.87% 8. / referral 87 1.33 00:01:37 96.55% 77.01% 9. / referral 81 1.48 00:00:49 81.48% 71.60% 10. / referral 70 1.19 00:01:03 70.00% 85.71%

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