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[ ] IndiRank: 35

Need Your Valuable Comments On My New Entry 'Common Shame To The Wealthys Game'

I am a novice as far as blogging is concerned..and that is the precise reason why i want my blog to be understand my shortcomings as a go ahead and let me know what are your thoughts on my articles!!! Cool

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Hyderabad, India
14 years ago

really nice posts man..I liked the bum blast one :)..something which most of the people here have in common seem to be writing one post a month..being a should be relatively free I believe Tongue out...

Hey thanks mate...u are partly rite mate...u r rite ven u say i am relatively free...but m not a student...for the past 3yrs i ve been caged in something cald s/w industry..!!!...but i guess in totality ur rite...i need to increase the frequency of my posts!!