Team India indibloggers Join Team India to improve your indirank

from india
15 years ago

friends indiblogger has started indi rank to improve our indirank i suggest we form our team so join me , indi rank is based on  alexa rank,google page rank, upcoming links, and visitors, this is first Team India so please join me so we can dicuss ,improve blogs

and collectively each others indi ranks by helping each other.

i am sure admins will permit us to form  Team India indiblogger this is my team so i think now  Name Team India Indiblogger is reserved for me and my friends.

target is not to win only indi rank, dream is reach the skies not alone but collectively

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

when we try to improve our indi rank it will improve our total blog

indirank is one more excuse to blog more and more




Edited 15 years ago
Reason: format
Replies 1 to 20 of 20 Ascending
from Hyderabad / Pilani
15 years ago

hi sm and the others, count me in :) ...

Chai-coffee blog (link)

PS: If you guys are on twitter, it might be easier to keep updated.. my Twitter id is : sammythewizzy

from india
15 years ago


indiblogger team has developed a software ,alogrhtym  which considers your google rank,

alexa rank, popularity etc. this software is in beta phase. i tried to get more info on this but

currently its secret kepy by our indiblogger team.

as i get knowledge about this i will post more about it

from Bangalore
15 years ago

I have a big doubt , can someone explain in simple terms how I got my Indirank ?

from india
15 years ago

yes you right but my observation is that our indian visitiors do not digg post or do this acitivities,

may be i am wrong but your idea is nice we should digg the post,use social media.

Bishwajeet Mahato
Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

I would recommend friends to use social media to promote their site like digg,stumble,reddit

kunal sachdeva
kunal sachdeva
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Grt Going Bro.......

I'm with u......



from india
15 years ago

Tip No. 1  whenever you get the comment,you should visit that blog and give comment.

we must make a habit to give comment on blog, good sites . mainly our friends site.

Remember when you got first comment how happy you felt.  Commnets show to visitors that this blog has followers, blog is good, blog is read, blog is improved. add your views and ideas and tips

on comment and blog.


from india
15 years ago

ty Mhato and   shaki,  i hope you will visit daily for a min to this thread .

so we will discuss , share ideas,review our blog  ,each other blogs daily from spell mistakes to anything .

i am sure you have visited lot of good blogs and sites, one thing did you observed for there each post they got 10 comments,  20 comments or more .

when we visit indian blogs  rarely we find the comments.  what is reason ?

First we must learn to give comments  even just saying  nice post or improve your spells

is good.

from Bangalore
15 years ago



count me in




Bishwajeet Mahato
Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

I think team India indibloggers may help in giving suggestions on how to make your blog profitable,rank high in search engines,when to update the blog,how much keywords to use,how to get a better alexa and page rank.

If you are achieving a good indirank means you have a good site with some authority too. So if we guys try to better our indirank means we ll try to improve our other ranks also which will definately help us in long run.

Right now I dont have my blog Computer Talks in the top fifty of technology blogs(currently 97) so I will definately try to improve my indirank by improving the other ranks.

And this is a great work by the team indiblogger so kuddos to them.

from india
15 years ago

I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and need my help and knowledge. stand by him when he is without resourcess ,stand by him when he is empty in his pockets and hungry

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Thanks for the reply, Renie. I hate Digg too, but I think this community rocks, even though I'm a newbie here.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

That's good to know, Sumit. A warm welcome to you. Smile

from Assam
15 years ago

hey! i was just gonna ask u to join indiblogger! glad to see you here :)

from india
15 years ago

this is not about rank no.1 or rewards.

i started blogging in year 2006, got no visitiors

in 2007got no visiitors no comments. i tried different topics , and many things.

in 2008 i blogged lot  then i become memebr on indi blogger

indi blogger is first forum where i joined. learen lot ,got lot of knowledge,


this is reason i want every new blogger should have comments,he should not feel alone.

he should have someone to ask, he should have someone to trust,

there in this world you will get many friends, but i want friends who will be with me when i am hungry

hunger of knowledge,

its better to teach someone how to earn money than give him money.

its better to teach someone blogging ,encouraingment ,insipartion througy fun.

this is  fun place to share  our knowledge.


from india
15 years ago

You may say I’m a dreamerBut I’m not the only oneI hope someday you’ll join us

from Mumbai
15 years ago

SM, I'm not here to win Rank 1 or something. I'm only here because I've started loving blogging, and because I love to interact with people, read their views, and like to hear what they have to say about my views/ideas.

If along the way, someone feels I'm doing a good job, fair enough. But, I'm not an attention seeker, so I'll leave you to your endeavours. 

Have fun!


Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

That's why we've said this:

We believe that any ranking system should not be taken too seriously



Cyril Sam
from Delhi
15 years ago

Good to see sensible ppl arnd.

Renie Sahab I think you ought to reconsider this ranking business.

from india
15 years ago

ty renie

sumit and   tangirine please join me. this will be fun .its like challenge. do accept it

rewards are great and excellent


from Assam
15 years ago

i don't mind ideas that will help improve my blog and offer my suggestions to others as well. i like the intraction too. indirank is good as long as its fun!

but thats about it.

from india
15 years ago

here we will give and share knwledge many people dont know how to blog

many dont know the topics

this is platform where we will share  our knowledge of blogging,widgets, and like a true friend we will make our friend achive scores,

we will encourge each other, give insight and try to find and tell each other where the blog is lacking,how the quality of blog is improved

collectively means  here we will inform each other about our new post, and we all collective visit his blog and give him comments so he gets motivation his alexa rank is improved, google page rank is improved.

point 2 here we will dicuss  how one design the blog, very freely tell each other your blog has this bad points  so improve them .

from Assam
15 years ago

so how do you suggest we "collectively each others indi ranks by helping each other",

do tell us more.

should we begin by adding blogs to our networks? will that help?

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

No, adding blogs to your network has no bearing whatsoever!

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Renie, I'm sorry to be such a damp squib, but isn't this community more about blogging, reading nice blogs, and learning new skills, rather than exchanging links and 'promoting' each other's blog just for the heck of it.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

You're not a damp squib buddy, no worries. Smile That is what this community is all about - and I'm under the impression that this topic is about a discussion on helping each other out and giving advice on a how blogger can increase his/her Indirank. (I sincerely hope I'm right, cause I hate Digg for that very reason you mentioned) Anyways - exchanging links or clicking on blogs listed in our directory makes no difference to IndiRank.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

lol! Sure, the name is all yours. Smile

We will help team India in any way we can - giving you some insight on how you can improve your IndiRank!

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