I have a question on few sites
I find my blog added to sites like
thoora.com, tamazu.com . What is that they have to do with my blog?? I didn't sign up with any of these sites..
Hi Loganathan,
It seems you are new to blogging. Anyways thoora.com is a kind of News Aggregator(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Aggregator). So it is fully safe & don't worry about it. The problem occurs when your posts start appearing as it is on someone's blog. If you still have doubts then you're free to contact me?
is it only blog's listing or your blog posts?
If its blog posts, its better to get your wordpress blog ©Feed..
It looks like they have listed my blog posts.. but with by introducing me as the original author of the post.. if they can do this, there may be so many out there who may take the posts as well right?
then there is no reason to worry! as long as your copy rights are safe, a link back is what you can demand. Its good for you that you are being introducted to a wider user base.
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