What is backlink?

Sanjay Shettennavar
Sanjay Shettennavar
from Belgaum
14 years ago

Recently I fumbled upon a tool called backlink checker. I found that I had only 46 backlinks and most of them from Indiblogger. What is a backlink? Does it connote popularity of your blog?

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Sanjay Shettennavar
Sanjay Shettennavar
from Belgaum
14 years ago

Thanks guys for replying to my query, especially to Addy. I wish I knew how to increase backlinks to my blog. I do have facebook and twitter accounts. May be I have fewer friends than other bloggers. Thanks once again.

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

The best way is to read other's blogs and leave genuine comments.. while submitting comments, you are asked for your name email id and blog url.. other than that, you can publish your blog posts on Digg, Stumble upon, Facebook, Twitter.. et all.. numerous options.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Register yourself on as many "blogging social networking sites" as you can. Obviously be active only on IndiBlogger! Tongue out

And yes as Hemla said comments, and encourage users to share your post on the mentioned sites, use a social networking widget in your blog for easy sharing.


from Oslo
14 years ago

Backlink is just another word for link. In general, the more you have (the more people/sites/pages link to your blog), the more popular your blog is.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Backlinks are the links to your blog/website on other wesbites/blogs. Like you have a link of your blog on indiblogger profile. When some one shares your blog link or post on a social networking site (like Digg, facebook, twitter etc) you get more backlinks.

Not directly but backlinks in someway show the 'popularity' of your blog. And backlinks are a major parameter for your google pagerank.

Hope I have made myself clear and you got your answer. Do let me know if you need more on this.Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Addy has put it up perfectly...

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Hemal! Smile

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