Why is Kashmir burning

Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

We have been reading daily in newspapers that Kashmiris are defying the curfew imposed in the valley and going on a rampage -  pelting stones, destroying public property. It seems that the terror outfits who masterminded 26/11 have infiltrated in each and every house of J&K and made every Kashmiri a terrorist. The vicious cycle of curfew-stone pelting-deaths-curfew seems to continue forever, unless some strong and bold steps are taken by both the state and the central govt. But the biggest question which still haunts me is that why even after 63 years of independence, v havn't been able to make Kashmir an equal and peaceful part of the country. I feel that had the politicians shown the courage and will to find a solution, the issue would not have been an issue at all. And now it is not only about militancy or infiltration, but about the anger in each and every Kashmiri which is clearly visible.But v need to dig deeper and look for solutions to 2 very big questions in order to find a permanet resolve the Kashmir issue forever

1.Who is responsible or all this - the Indian politicians, the draconian armed forces special powers act, the millitants, the common man, or as usual  'THE VIDESHI HATH' (some foreign enemy).??????

2.How to end this - kill every stone pelter, kill every terrorist, withdraw the armed forces special powers act, give autonomy to the region, establish President Rule. . . etc. etc.?????

I am not a politician. I am an Indian, a common man who is deeply concerned about the integrity of my nation.

Jai Hind

Replies 1 to 16 of 16 Ascending
Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@Jay - Right buddy, Its indeed a serious issue, and its high time that v raise our voice  


Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@ Himanshu & Pramod : I totally agree, with both of you. Separatists should not be spared. Its these separatists who fuel violence which sometimes lead to deaths of innocent civilians. This gives them an opportunity to call the Indian gov. army and police as cruel and insensitive towards Kashmiris

hi himamshu,

great thinking.

The mistake done earlier, we are paying for. Once a minor plant has grown into a tree now.

People will continue dying,and its the whole India burning right now.

Its not a kids task to run a nation.

The credentials to become leaders  are not hard.

the intellectual ability not tested. they are never accounted for their haughty misdeeds.

just take benefit of exploiting poor voters .show them paradise and rule.

the whole system needs super change.

we need a Hitler at the top. 

Churchill had predicted earlier , at house of commons, that the Indian parliament will be having scoundrels in the parliament within 20 years.

strong norms and literary qualification must be prerequisite to become leader in first place.

A criminal from jail is fighting elections and winning easily.

we can pray for that leader to rise, who can really do the miracle.



from Delhi
14 years ago

Every Mob has a leader. People in themselves are spineless. The drivers of these people incite people to go on a rampage nd make merry. We need to hit at the root of this problem.

I have been thinking since some time, how is it that we so gleefully tolerate somebody who calls himself a separatist? Correct me if i am wrong but is a separatist a ‘Hostile’ word? Last i checked these separatist's agenda was to carve a new country called ‘Azad Kashmir‘. Everybody knows how much they support and breed Jihadi terror. Newspapers have time and again published stories how these ‘separatists’ have derailed the peace process. Weather its the Amarnath Yatra or a death whose causes are yet to be known, they leave no stone unturned, literally, to create a ruckus in the valley. The major separatist force in the valley is Hurriyat conference- a group of many separatist parties. One of the primary hurriyat leaders in talk with Indian govt. is Yasin Malik- A sentenced terrorist who has one to one meetings with Pakistani President and prime minister more than once. None of the parties wants Kashmir to be a part of India. And hence the question, Why the hell are we talking to them?? Not only talking, our Prime-Minister repeatedly appeals to keep peace in the valley! Do we lack the might to crush these forces? Why does our Prime Minister have to appeal beg infront of a group of people who want nothing other than violence? I was wondering if i would be wrong in stating that before talking to Pakistan, we should get rid of these bloody ‘Separatists’.

I propose the following solutions:

  • Start rapid development in Kashmir. Invest in commercialization and tourism.  It will create employment and keep people’s mind of stone-pelting.
  • Keep the schools, colleges and businesses running. They are the pillars of any society. Give extra protection to them so that they may not be disturbed by this ‘below the belt’ style of politics. An educated man is far more likely to think clearly and hence see what is going on.
  • Tighten the security. Up it by a notch. Once the security forces come out of there, ISI will get a free hand and will start disrupting again.
  • Abolish Article 370. Bring Kashmir closer to rest of India. Why in world does it need a separate flag and constitution? Why should every Indian law be okayed by J&K parliament before being implemented there? A Kashmiri child since he is born is made to think that he is different from rest of his countrymen. Why?
Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@ Pramod : V ll have to dig deeper and reach the roots of this problem, due to prolonged curfews, children are not able to attnd schools regularly, then there are religiuos fanatics who further instigate hatred for the nation. . and the yung uns get easily carried away by their theories. .

Hi Friend,

Everybody commits hienous crimes in mob. they just justify themselves as everyone is with them. all pathetic extremism mob movement of any tipe,be it hindu, or any other caste should be curbed at starting point. and law should be such that any statement in public 

leading to riots etc. should be penalized with death.

every community has to live in their rights, but humanity should not be taken to ransom.

10 yr old kids are lead by mob.

  law has to be severe to stop such things.

the pakhtoon area on pakistan border, here youbg boys practice shooting by aiming head of passers by. real killings. just for practice.

what can you say of it.

it s happening to us.

our judiciary has to be strict on it and we have make changes in constitution to curb these things.

looks very bleaque.




Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@Pramod : Terrorists should not be spared, but what about the 10 year old stone pelting kids. . can they be called terrorists

As our p.m. had begun budget speech by "Lamhe ne galti ki,saza sadion ne paaee."

Terror has no mercy and knows only one language"tit for  tat.'

No point in holding talks etc.

We should not be ready to take wounds forever.

its better to finalize things once at a sigle blow.

as a famous saying goes " kill one to warn 100"

Boldness has to be shown by the person responsible at the helm.

no point at begging to america to do the work for us.

Taking easy attitude should be shunned.

Each and every liberal indian has to untite to save ourselves.

next target of terror could be any one of us.

 silence is no answer, and equally responsible.

Its toll is worst then Hitler tolls.

Hope even 1% rise to unite n gherao parliament for it, we can see the results pouring in.

Pramod Lohia

Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@Mohan : Same here. People around the world compare Kashmir with West Bank, Chechnya, Darfur. Its high time that India sorts it out.

from India
14 years ago

J&K is the only state of India that has its own flag & constitution.....

it started all after 1947.... 62 years & no progress at all Frown

from Bangalore
14 years ago

the whole saga makes me boiling!

Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@Aravindam : 'An empty mind is a devil's workshop'.Unemployed youngsters are a major cause of concern in the valley. 

from Chennai
14 years ago

The fake encounter killings and serious human rights violations in the past few months have caused this surge of attacks and unrest in J&K. Political oppositions in J&K should stop playing dirty sports by fuelling the flame further and should rather exhort the Omar Abdullah Govt. to probe the fake encounters and the human rights violation cases soon. Adding more troops to the region is not goin to help and somehow the warring parties in the region has to find a suitable political solution. With the rising unemployment and slack in economic development in J&K - there is an increasing frustration among the youth and even the educated. While the GOI is cautious in its approach towards J&K, fearing any backlash, it should take the lead in resolving the conflict with Pakistan - a key geo-political player in kashmir affairs.

Nandan Narula
Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

@Ajay & Aldeena : Very true friends. It is this sheer violation of human rights in the valley because of which a thought is being given to withdraw the armed forces special powers act from J&K. And politicians will remain politicians.. . playing dirty politics at the cost of common man's life.

from New Delhi
14 years ago

I think putting the blame on any particular side is not possible..there are too many factors at play here. The government of course has a role to play, some strong measures taken at the right time might have stopped all this from getting so out of hand. The army and police has been irresponsible in their actions as well at times. But that cannot be applied to all of them, there are certain officers who have not acted in a responsible manner when required and instead have caused a lot of civilian deaths and fuelling anger even more. But you can't blame them as a whole, with a situation like this, it is indeed difficult to keep one's cool and think straight! It's easy for us to sit on the sidelines and comment but it's they who are out there facing it. Then there are also those fundamentalists who try to make the naive citizens believe that all the violence that they will take up is in the name of Allah. religious scriptures are misinterpreted and people are exploited.

To add to all this are those insensitive jerks who stir the masses to violence at the instigation of some in power for monetary profit, and this violence leads to political benefit for those who instigate this!

All these factors combined perhaps add up to the terrible mess that Kashmir has sadly become...

There have been cases reported of young boys who throw stones at the police just because they were told to. They have no idea why they are doing it.

from India
14 years ago

ask Politicians for dat dude... they will tell u d ryt answer


Nandan Narula
from Indore, Bhopal
14 years ago

It seems that they don't have the will to solve the issue. And can v b so indifferent to our national problems? If v won't think about it, one day entire nation will suffer from such disturbances. . and v can already see some in the form of naxalites.And why is it that we are concerned about terrorism only when there is a blast or attack in Mumbai or Delhi? I am eagerly looking forward to someone from J&K to share his/her opinion

from India
14 years ago

yup... man

bt who will take d initiative????

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