Do you think you suit your zodiac sign ?

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

Do you think you suit your zodiac sign ?

Does it affect and reflect your personality?

Actually I am trying to find out that whether the traits of zodiac sign of different people matches with their blog or not. Just trying to evaluate whether zodiac signs really affect a person or not. So help me in finding that.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: personal
Replies 41 to 60 of 90 Descending
Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago


She is in charge of romance and beauty. But Venus isn't only about physical love; she's also symbolic of the ideal love. When we see a beautiful painting or other work or art, Venus is present. She is the beauty of a rose as much as she is the attraction we have to someone we love. As the key planet of Libra, Venus is about the perception of beauty as an ideal. Here, she is the proper blend of colors, the right mix of music or the perfect poetic description of love, itself.

Libra Greatest Strength: Your grace and charm when helping others

Libra Possible Weakness: Forgetting to take care of your own needs

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

Embarassed thats superb!!!

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Since you folks asked for it... I am a GEMINI Cool - June 3rd

from Delhi
14 years ago
now mohan too ... geminians r dominating this forum
geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

all r geminis ....gemini team..wheres librans team

from Chennai
14 years ago

@ Geeta -  Here is another Libran!! 

from Delhi
14 years ago

libras..... only twoLaughing

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Well, what do you say for a Cusp? I am cusp between Aries and Pisces. March 21st

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

you have someone for company :P

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Aaah nice Hemal. Wonder, if we get to hear .. anything clear :P 

Else.. even the fortunes and messages are a 'Cusp'.. he he..!

Ankita Verma
Ankita Verma
from Noida
14 years ago

I feel there a lot of traits common between people of the same sunsign. I am a Capricorn. According to you what are the charecteristics of a Capri??

from Bukit Mertajam
14 years ago

Capri's are honest and ambitious and somewhat can be depended Cool

Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

hi ankit

I  visited ur blog ,its really impressive.

so u r capricon .Capricorn sets high goals for yourself and then you overcome whatever obstacles may appear between you and the top of your personal mountain. As Capricorn climbs the ladder of success, your ambition pushes you forward. Status can be important to Capricorn and often, at the top of your game, you gain personal satisfaction by knowing that others respect you for what you have accomplished.

Capricorn can dance out on the edge of a cliff, but will never fall. 


Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

sorry i mean ankita instead of ankit

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago


Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

@mohan sir,

Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world 

The astrological element of air represents movement. And the most efficient movement between two points is often a thought. Air signs are thinkers. They emphasize the intellect over other functions. With active minds and a good command of language, the air signs are the natural born communicators. 

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

@ vijay

Here we have the union of the feet— understanding—and the head—intellect. This means unusual brain power and the ability to carry projects, schemes, and details to successful conclusions. These people always have something new on hand. They are the advance guard of civilization. Their remarkable kindliness and enthusiasm concerning people and events make them very fascinating and very helpful friends and companions. Their loyalty is something that can be depended upon. The magnetic qualities of this cusp give the natives great power as healers and comforters. Their tact is something to be emulated. They do not shine as logicians, for in their eyes there is something far above logic; this is intuition, and it seldom fails them. 

Cleanliness, inside and out, is the genius of this cusp.

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Unusual brain Power :) Wow.. thats something.. I wished my mom heard it during my schools. I wouldn't have got so many bashing.. he he..!

Well.. Jokes apart - Thanks for briefing up on this :) Never realized this..!


Vijay | 


geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago


Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Found this interesting reading about my sign. Could laugh at it.. but yea, a lot of things are true..

Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

ya we can correlate few things for sure with our star sign.But matter of fact is all aries are not same,all cancer are not same........afterall we all r different person with individuality of their own.

I read horoscope for fun sake and sometimes you really feel like knowing yourself through other that is it.



Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

thats interesting really!

its fun know realize what you are! after reading it, i know how i am.. could relate to it a lot..

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago , tat is sumthn ! read tat link.....gawd !!! loved most of it , although some parts i wudnt agree wid ( wel , ok mayb tats te Aries Ego !!! )...but al in al , it ws gr8...wel my best frn is a libra ! and te career n romance part is so-so-so right !!! nice link man !


@Pratibha...I completely agree wid u , evry individual hs his/her own traits n characteristics tat make up te personality...but I do believe that ppl of same sunsign do have lots in common...some traits ARE defined by astrological compatibility.....wel , tats my view.... :)

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

hi abhi,

yes u r right dual nature of gemini is reflecting in ur blog too.I saw ur two posts ...say for eg:IMPORTANT vs He was normal-26....

Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. 

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

well said!!

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

thanks dear.

Hi pratibha! hi Geeta! and Mag! nice discussion going on here!!

But tell me are u guessing ppl's zodiac sign by seeing the blog or trying to see some correlation between their blogs and their zodiac signs? or is it that u r telling the traits of a certian zodiac sign?

ok, guess my zodiac sign! I am not a cusp and have typical characteristics.


from India
14 years ago

Guess at ur own risk... Foot in mouth

from Delhi
14 years ago

actually she will tell the traits first.... if u agree than its fine elsewise she will read ur blog

RESULT- u met with ur soul at any cost..... tough jobSmile

from India
14 years ago


Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago


hi dear,how r u?

i visited ur blog earlier also and that day itself I felt actually relate urself with me.Ur very sensitive girl and blessed with higher perceptions.and to me u r a true cancerian.

we have something common,I oftenl use words like my perception...dream.

Actually we people clinge on our past and can never forget that.we have our own emotional world.

Crabs also have large pinching claws, and Cancer can hold onto things, especially from the past. Cancer are fiercely loyal and have a difficult time letting go. But Cancer are also quick to bring those you love inside the safety of your outer shell while you nurture them. Cancer love is protective, but unless tempered, can be smothering.

Cancer have developed a hard outer shell for protection. Cancer can use the hard outer shell of your home as your protection. But it's more than just that. Typically, your sensitive Cancer can hold your feelings quietly behind your own walls.

i think u can correlate now.

Am I right RESTLESS?

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

I think she is virgo

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

@ restless

where are restless? I an waiting for ur answer.

Hi Pratibha, I like your approach of trying to find the correlation... in fact a lot u said about me is very true, ie about my sensitivity. very right. But that is only one aspect of my personality. and my blog being a baby right now is not exhibiting all the characteristics! could not say it in better words than this!

But I am not a cancerian, i am an aquarian, a typical aquarian.

Hi geeta! how about ur personal blog?

better way to connect is to comment on our posts on our blogs. I am looking for your comments on my blog.

am busy writing my blog these days, so not coming to forum, that's why this delay to check your response.


from Delhi
14 years ago

@restless..... waiting for ur posts

@ Mag - waiting? i am very regular on my blog. in fact i am writing something every alternate days. i read ur comments... keep visiting!

from Delhi
14 years ago

ahhh.... u caught me *bad luck*

but love to read ur postsSurprised

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

@ geeta,mag,deepak ,just a pen

how r u all?

are you people satisfied with my answers?

tell me.

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

I am v much satisfied Smile

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

yes Dr. , m happy ! btw , did u "like" my blog ? (not spamming !!!) Smile

from Delhi
14 years ago

we r fine....infact i m very much fine...

ya satisfied almost.... but i already know the traits but dont khow wether ma blog shows duality or not....?

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

thanks for great support.

from Delhi
14 years ago

we r always there for uLaughing

from India
14 years ago

to help???

from Delhi
14 years ago

anything dood anything

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

I tried to find out dual character in ur blog I think it will take sometime time  to analyze and correlate it and thanks for support .

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago


yup ur r right as ur baby blog will grow it will gain more traits ........well my best wishes are with u.

This time I am wrong actually I am not astrologer and just know abt zodiac signs from linda goodman book and internet but I try to analyze whether zodiac sign actually suit our personality or not.This was the only purpose and so far I think it makes difference for some .

I know, its very difficult to guess someone's zodiac sign. In fact, i am very much interested in this topic. love what linda goodman writes ( sometimes). and read a lot abou the signs. i observe ppl and try to guess, but mostly it goes wrong.

see we have masks, everyone has, and on such forums u just don't know what is what. even in real life it takes a lot of time to know a person.

but u made a fair try, i am very sensitive,and that shows prominently in my blog and u brought that out very nicely.  thanks a ton dear!

keep blogging - keep writing!


from Mumbai
14 years ago

Everyone around me says it does and even Linda Goodman agrees! I even have a post dedicated to this! Innocent

from Delhi
14 years ago

badluck againSurprised

What's ur Zodiac sign Addy? and what about u Mag?

from Delhi
14 years ago

@restless.... we both r gemini

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Yup We are GEMINI! Now please you too don't freak out! Sealed

Dr Pratibha Singh
Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

ha ha

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

hehehe Tongue out

from Delhi
14 years ago

laughing for what....i too wanna laugh...Smile

geeta singh
from delhi
14 years ago

just like that ...I am teasing her:))

from Delhi
14 years ago

okies.... hohohohoLaughing

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

tickling geeta?

from India
14 years ago

soft target....

from Delhi
14 years ago

yaa...y not

Hey Addy, Mag, Hemal, Geeta and Pratibha!

pratibha, u didnot tell me about aquarians? Although I have read a lot about it, and believe in it also. but wud love to hear from u and other pals what do they know about aquarians ?


from India
14 years ago

Aqyarians..... simply do hard work... they r restless & sensitive tooo

kind-hearted & mindful also Smile

hwzzzz dat.... RESTLESS

from Delhi
14 years ago

actually aquarians are extracted fom acquarium..... sweet beautiful

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Mag! paka mat yaar!! Tongue out

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

hey Restless!! I am an arian..

from India
14 years ago

@ Mag: Lolzzz Sealed

from Delhi
14 years ago

srry.... buat cant say something better than that tis time

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

ya Mag we know you are tired.. Tongue out

Dr Pratibha Singh
from delhi
14 years ago

hi restless,

aquarians are blessed with a great vision and their personality is very independent, any attempt to hold them down or restrict them will cause them, to flee.

They love to make people laugh and cheer people up and it makes them feel good to make others feel good.

all in alll they are good people...

Zodiac sign sure has some broadly speaking similarities. fotune tellers etc. are intereste in fame and money ,so they exploit sincere enquirers. and get them to do varius acts.

I believe in hand lines. its like a book of nature. if you can read handlines you can read the book of nature.


p.s. I know many think of it as 'crap" but ... 

from India
14 years ago

but.... say it man

dont be shy  Wink

from Delhi
14 years ago

hmmm palmistry...intresting stuff..!!!

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