Why do some bloggers discourage comments?

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

I find WORD VERIFICATION very annoying.

At times I have clicked 'submit' and moved to another tab and found later (by chance)

the comment was not submitted - I had to go through word verification first.

(Why not warn a reader in advance? - Saves their time.)

At times it is difficult to make out what's written.

Take for example, captial I (i) & small l (L)

Take a look, tell me which is which, 

1.) I

2.) l


Imagine how difficult this becomes in word verification! It's a waste of time and discourages

from commenting on blogs which  have enabled Word Verification.

Why not use comment moderation instead? 

I think the blogger could show this much courtsey to the reader

- take the trouble to delete spam (if any)

instead of making the reader go through Word Verification.

I feel Word Verification is like saying, "Please don't bother commenting." :(


Edited 14 years ago
Reason: spelling error
Replies 1 to 14 of 14 Ascending
from Chennai
14 years ago

I found it the 2nd time - didn't appear the first time - honest Innocent  As you can see I searched for more than a minute n half for that

from Chennai
14 years ago

where the hell is this 'track this ....' button or link?

from Chennai
14 years ago


i'm noob here (joined days back) and my 1st post.  I agree with IHM that this letter 'captcha' is not for blogging - blogging shouldn't have any 'captcha'.  Feel particularly incensed becuz today in trying to setup a skydrive a/c for a friend was stumped when given a captcha character which looked like an inverted 'S'!  Actually puzzled on it for a minute (surely) or so, before realising that it was the small 'a' in some sort of frenzy! Laughing

even worse is the way the indian (or foreign at that) media sites are organised - one needs to register with an email id.  I think this policy is going to make everyone have a 'throwaway' id - like 'matbulao@gmail.com' or 'nanmandu.gmail.com'

Yup, ur right IHM

blogs should *not* have captcha - anykind

newsmedia sites should have captcha - maths kind

only 'forums' should ask for email ids & registration

Hope you and us jointly at indibloggers can get this done - can it be made an official W3C policy or even a principle or directive?

Shail Mohan
Shail Mohan
from Trivandrum
14 years ago

This word verification is a real pain. Comment moderation is all you need. I am with you on this IHM.

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Thanks Shail.

Hope all the bloggers read this topic.  We will be saved from a lot of typing of funny looking characters!


from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Yes, really! I hope so too Restless!

from anywhere,anytime,anyday
14 years ago

So true !! I sometimes comment and leave the website and come back later to find that my comments are not there. By then I would have lost my chain of thoughts. The blogger is the victim then. I think since the blogger has the advantage of deleting any comments he/she does not like, verification should be completely taken out.



from Gurgaon
14 years ago

The way I see it, the blogger has to choose between their own comfort (less worry about spam) or the reader's comfort (easy commenting).

Bhagwad Jal Park
Bhagwad Jal Park
from Chennai
14 years ago

What's worse, is if they require you to register first. And to take matters to the next level, they sometimes need you to register after post your comment!

I can't tell you how frustrating it is. These "blogger" and "blogspot" domains really need to get rid of this. Wordpress has the awesome "Akismet" plugin which removes all spam. In all this time, just two or three comments have gotten through my installation.

from anywhere,anytime,anyday
14 years ago

Happened too many times and I have just not wanted to comment. WP as you said really rocks and so far (in the last one year) it has been three comments for me which slipped through.

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

One of the places where registration is required is Surekha.com where I never comment, even though there have been some great posts. I feel bad for the bloggers there - they are missing out on an interactive experience. Or maybe they don't want a duscussion.


Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Honestly I think they're not discouraging comments they're just discouraging spam. I used to get a lot of it. But thankfully spammers do not like Disqus!

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Magali Disqus is easy to use. :)

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Me knoes Laughing

And me loves it.

And spammers do not love it.

And me loves that more.

(This is where I take time off from being a grammar **** & go totally crazy) Sealed

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

OMG I forgot that the word n-a-z-i is blocked on the forum!

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Ha ha Laughing I also find commenting on Disqus fun, because you can rate comments and also see how many comments you have left before on that blog Smile

Hi Indian Home Maker,  you have brought out a very valid point, rather an irritating point.

But let me tell u that sometimes word verification is also enabled due to ignorance, at times unknowingly. 

Just think about this that the blog owner would never know ppl are facing problem commenting because of his comments setting. because its only the user who is facing it.  So instead of going away frustrated from a blog, I prefer to leave a word about it to the owner of the blog. out of three ppl i hinted, two didnot even know it was there.

But I am absolutely with you, it should be avoided, if you want to know what ppl think about ur blog and ur posts.


from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Yes it is possible that the blogger hasn't realised it! 


from Singapore
14 years ago

IHM, you are so roght, many times I have actually not put a comment cos I am so bugged with the evil word verification box. Good point der! :)

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Maria I  too have, many times,  read a post and even though I liked it - avoided commentint because of word verification.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Against word verification! I totally agree with indianhomemaker there!

What I find funny is that your alias "indianhomemaker" is like a captcha in itself! Tongue out

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

LOL   Laughing Yes Addy!!! ... it is generally shortened to IHM or ihm :)

from Delhi
14 years ago

Absolutely right!!!

Word verification makes it tough!!

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Himanshu sometimes I have written a long comment, checked the spelling and then lost the comment while commeting on blogger blogs - and then Word Verification makes it even tougher!

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I second your thoughts. All those bloggers who use such captcha please consider removing, even if you need it badly to avoid spam messages, use something that requires simple math captchas.

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

Mohan one can delete spam messages :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

but believe me it is such a pain... i have seen what spamming is all about on my blog and at work :D

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

:) Disqus sounds like a convenient option, many blogger blogs use Disqus.

from Bangalore
14 years ago

oh.. that is another pain tool, i rejected it because of integration issues with existing comments and you can't customize the look and feel of comments like the way you want. You can check how I have done it as per my wish on my blog.

Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

It could be that bloggers do this because once someone spams your blog your google rank and all go down. Though I personally find it very irritating too, I can understand why people have it. 

from Gurgaon
14 years ago

I think better readership, more hits and more comments are a good compensation :)

Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

I agree. Word verification needs to end.

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