An Interfaith Dialogue

Shreya Sen
Shreya Sen
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Interfaith Dialogue has been a successful community on orkut for more than three years now.We have now moved into the blogosphere ans are looking for people to contribute to the blog. You can be from any faith, even atheism, but we would like to talk about it!

Replies 1 to 1 of 1 Ascending
from India
14 years ago

wats dis Shreya....... whatever

i go through ur blog..... i liked it

keep on bloggingSmile

from India
14 years ago

no response at all....

very badUndecided

Shreya Sen
from Kolkata
14 years ago

Sorry Deepak. I am not very regular. IFD is basically an attempt to bridge gaps between people from different religions. To show that we are all really the same.:)

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