IndiPolice have arrived

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Folks, the forum is now going to be a cleaner place! We now have a few new mods, or IndiPolice:

Addy - Cause he's the one who pushed me to get this done!

Mohan - He's been asking to be one!

Magali - For sending in the most number of abuse reports so far.

Manav - for being the quickest gun on twitter today!

Anwin and Myself from the IndiBlogger Team will continue to be mods as well.

The IndiPolice can hide any topic on the forum, and they can "tag" a topic for one the admins to respond to.

If anyone else wants to join this elite squad Smile, let us know here and the IndiPolice can make a decision!

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Added Manav
Replies 21 to 40 of 58 Descending
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Cool Renie.. Addy is making a lot of noice here... great work Addy!

IndiPolice should have been implemented long ago. This works for all of us. :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Hemal! Smile

Better late than never!

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hemal, would you like to join? Smile

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Who wouldnt want to be in this elite team Cool

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

The IndiPolice have been busy. Smile Nice work everyone, and thank you!

from Mumbai
14 years ago


Cryptic Clues
Cryptic Clues
from Gujarat
14 years ago

Dear Renie,

the anarchist political philosophy I subscribe to, I see this as no more than a reinforcement and an extension of the normal.

Why do we wish to shut out deviants, of any kind? Isn't vandalism and graffiti creative resistance, aren't they expressive of dissent art and ideology?

Anyway, now that there is one: can we have a useful code of conduct, for us and you guys?

Can you please stop militarising the net by calling it police? Think of something else, unhinged from the Right wing moralists and centrist police law maintenance...

And yeah, wouldn't you like to nominate someone from outside the clique to ensure accountability, and you know keeping your group an observer!

Can I self-nominate myself to the role...



from Mumbai
14 years ago

I like IndiPolice.

And about your self nomination, we'll see about that Tongue out

Cryptic Clues
from Gujarat
14 years ago

why the tongue, Addy? And are we to be as whimsical to deploy language and assign labels on liking? Flimsy grounds, this...

Sits in on dissent...Sealed

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Oh! come one CC!!

I thought you took humor well! And besides when am I serious on the forum?

And when will people stop taking my comments too seriously! Just laugh it off buddy! And sorry to offend you!

PS: Some heavy tongue  you gave me in reply to 'my tongue', it seems! I had to use a dictionary to understand what you exactly meant! Tongue out (now thats an appropriate use of tongue)

Cryptic Clues
from Gujarat
14 years ago

Offence: none taken at all!

But I think widening the clique with observers sitting in from time to time, is still worth pursuing...

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Oh boy! There you go again! Wheres my dictionary?

Anyway glad that you were not offended. Will get back to you as soon as I decode your Morse code! Laughing

Ajay Tawde
from Mumbai
14 years ago

some of what cc says makes sense to me..n also brings up a good point..

is every type of self promotion a shameless one?

n how is that decided?

from Chennai, Manama
14 years ago

I would suggest IndiMods (short for moderators..)! rather than Indipolice;)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Wow! Thats some daring thing to do................semi-spamming  in the Official IndiPolice Thread itself! Tongue out

Ketan Pandit
Ketan Pandit
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Is their pension at the end of the tenure? I wont take bribe (promise to try not to:P)


Great move folks!

from India
14 years ago

definitely dude..... Renie u should look for dis.....


from Mumbai
14 years ago

I dunno about pensions, but I got some perks. Money mouth

PS: They came in bottles and cans! Tongue out

from India
14 years ago


from india
14 years ago

good start


from India
14 years ago

they always........


from Mumbai
14 years ago

Yup! It sure is! Smile

Ketan Pandit
Ketan Pandit
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I like bottles and Cans!! Meet you at the Mumbai meet?



from Mumbai
14 years ago

I so badly wish to come, but..................Frown

from India
14 years ago

no if... no but... only Mumbai Met (Meet)


Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Now thats how you open a can of worms he he

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Creepy Crawly!

Its a nice thing to come up with. But yeah right, you also need to get a 'Policies' page to let starters know about - 'What-to-do' and 'What-not-to-do'.


from Mumbai
14 years ago

IndiPolice Policy No 1: Don't take advice from people suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder! Tongue out


Just kidding man! I thinks thats a great idea and we should implement that. We'll see what we can do. Thanks! Smile

from Bombay
14 years ago

Well, may all the luck in the world accompany you in this endeavour. Will you guys police grammar as well here? Not that it should be on your Must-Do list. It's something that can be assigned to a Beat Marshall who loves to keep the streets 'free of stains'. :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

na na... we aren't GRAMMAR ****s :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

damn.. i meant     n a a z i s

from New Delhi
14 years ago

@ Mohan: Grammar ****s is a rude term btw! Tongue out A little bit of good grammar and correct spelling never did any harm.. Honestly, it makes reading less stressful!!!! Yell

Respect plz!!!!!!! Innocent Ask Addy how much I help him!

P.S.- we need more smileys!!!! Wink I was trying to find a smirking or frowning one but had to make do with the "innocent" one! Undecided

from Mumbai
14 years ago

@Aldeena Yeah she is like a live spellchecker for me! And she is aweHsome!

We do need more smilies, but unfortunately there was some technical problem. I had a thread on that too! 

MORE smiles required

from Bangalore
14 years ago

no idea how the "n a z i" got converveted to ****

from India
14 years ago

open History book for dat...Wink

from Mumbai
14 years ago

why? does ****'s? gets converted into ****'s? Undecided

Healthy Living India
Healthy Living India
from Bombay
14 years ago

Hello Renie/Addy...

I am SO glad that you guys have started this team. I had actually gotten a bit tired of trying to explain why shameless self promotion was a shoddy practice (on the thread that I started!)... introducing this team validates everyone's efforts.

Would also like to send a request to join the team and get more involved...



from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks Prashant!

Have to say the IndiPolice idea originated from your thread! Love to see you in the team. Smile

Healthy Living India
from Bombay
14 years ago

Brilliant! Let me know when/how to start... We take this on email I assume? Don't want to flood the thread...

Jaynath Sisodiya
Jaynath Sisodiya
from India
14 years ago

thats good for all of us.

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

u knw wat , cudnt stop laughing at Addy's quick wit ! way to go man.

and ya , gr8 idea..gues u guys hv been busy as the forum looks nice n clean nw....keep up te good all...n let us knw if mango ppl like me cn help....

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks a lot man! And...............I just try man, funny is the way of life!! Smile

Mango people can sure help! The IndiPolice don't have much attractive salary to talk about, how about some bribes? Money mouth

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

haha..taking bribes alrdy Addy ?? Dnt let IndiPolice become Indi(a) Police.... No offense to ne1...!

Aashish Sood
Aashish Sood
from Delhi
14 years ago

While everybody is applauding the appearance of IndiPolice (and I do too... congos) Has anybody stopped for a moment to think "Why do we need it is the first place?"


I would have assumed that, being mature bloggers, people would have had enough of fake advertising and let things run the normal way... Granted, that way, it will take more time for your blog to get popular but better than self promotion. Better still would be to go on individual blogs and post genuine comments... What say?

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Even Indiblogger thought as you did sir!

Sadly, that did not happen! So came the IndiPolice.

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

@ Renie.....plz help me wid stats page says last update 1 month ago , n my IndiRank fell like hell to 56 !!! please help.....!!!

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hey man, could you check it now?

I wil like to join the square one day!! may be right one bit new to the forum, but looking forward for a encouragement from active members.

from Bangalore
14 years ago

welcome to indiblogger

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Then start your training right away! Cause beaing an indipolice is not a cake walk kid!

Parth J Dave
Parth J Dave
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Good initiative! Now I hope we'll get rid of shameless promotion tricks on this forum now!  


from Bangalore
14 years ago

isn't it already happening now?

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Yeah! don;t you guys already see the results? Or are we not working right?

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

@renie...ya , its ok nw i think ! thanx !

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

How much is the base price, as in, bribing a police Tongue out

from India
14 years ago

u can't ask this directly.... shhhh

sab sun rahe hain...Surprised

from Mumbai
14 years ago

We are not corrupt!Yell We have had an oath to serve and be loyal to the IndiCitizen and IndiBlogger!Innocent

btw a few beers would do! Money mouth

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

IndiCitizen ??? haha !

from India
14 years ago

hehehehe.....Money mouth

from Delhi
14 years ago

bribe.... *shame *.... but can i share the beersSurprised

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