Rohit Nayak would like you to review his/her blog.
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Looking for feedback on by Blog "Evanescentyears Fading Lives"

Rohit Nayak
Rohit Nayak
from Bangalore
14 years ago

I've very recently caught the Blogging bug! enjoying it quite a bit too. I've been writing for a variety of forums, offline. This includes editing my college newsletter, and being an editor for my company's employee newsletter.

I've been blogging online for 7-8 months now and enjoyed the experience. I would like to get an honest feedback (good and bad) about the topics and the content of the blogpost. This would help be become a better writer in the days to come.



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Rohit Nayak
Rohit Nayak
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Abhimanyu. I appreciate the effort and time you've put in to write this.

I'll change the 'i'- It does reduce the value of the blog. Its a rookie mistake. 

The design- i'll try to change it as you've mentioned. I've never really looked at the varius themes at blogger. Adding a few pics as well.

The apart about the employers is right though- I dont get a lot of time to write- writing was something I did very frequently when I was in college- its just a little frustrating to know that with a ll the must do's there's not enough time to spend on interests beyond work. Will try to blog more frequently though.

Its interesting to note that the blog cafe nirvana reminded you of CCD. It was infact, written at another coffee shop. If you've ever visited Bangalore, you'd know of this tiny place called India Coffee House. Its a watering hole for most of  Bangalore's working class. A place where you can still get piping hot filter kaapi for 10 bucks. It used to be my second home!

Loved your blogs too man! And thanks again for the feedback. I value it a lot