A POET, an ARTIST, a PHOTOGRAPHER.... I hope you can relate to atleast one.
Hello frenz, these are my blogs about my poems, my artworks, my photographs ... i hope you can find at least one of them interesting enough to comment / link. my poems - http://poetrika.blogspot.com my artworks - http://rashichaturvedi.blogspot.com my photographs - http://photographer-inside.blogspot.com thanks a lot :)) rashi
Loved your photoblog....will try and check out the rest asap...
hello rashi thanks for the feedback for my site http://www.futtec.blogspot.com
I relly like your poetrika site nice going.
I liked some of your pictures.
loved the photoblog. being an avid photographer myself i liked the warm theme you have maintained throughtout the photoblog in terms of the pictures and the text color. good one.
take care
nice photos. like the way uve done the layout.
if u can check out my photos on chiraggalundia.blogspot.com would love to have ur comments
Hey, I really loved your acrylic paintings... your photographs are awesome too... I would suggest that you use a photoblogging template, something that is more optimized for displaying photos... so that more attention can be given to the photos :)