MORE smiles required (for the text box in the forum)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Are you satisfied with the type (number and style) of smiles given in the text editor for the forum? Are you? huh? Are YOU? ARE YOU? 

Ofcourse you are you non-expressive moron! Cause most of you stupid creature done even use one! Yell

But I do! And would like the mods to gift our forum with more smiles and more expressions! how else are we supposed to express our feelings in text? Don't give me that writer's feeling crap, that is for our blogs! Tongue out

and whatever happed to that 'toothy grin' smiley? Why have Indiblogger killed it and brought in 'sealed' one? We need more smiles!! 

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Replies 21 to 29 of 29 Descending
from Delhi
14 years ago

yaa no more offensive talks.....lets introduce any descent topic....

" after the win of RAJAD who will be the prime minister... RABDI DEVI or LALU YADAV"

from Mumbai
14 years ago

On a serious note guys stop the trash talk really! there are other people on the forum too! Seriously! Stop that!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

I think our forum needs an alcohol intake test... "Please type out sjU[hF(rU|.nfwq@E98we backwards and replace every vowel with X. You have 5 seconds to complete this test." Laughing

Not sure if TinyMCE comes with more smiley sets... just checked and couldn't find any...

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Renie, cant we customize TinyMCE...?

i googled and found that it calls all smileys from an HTML. see if you can work it out.. would be great to have a lot more new smileys

from Mumbai
14 years ago


Did it! Now i feel so stupid! 

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Awww.....thats sad! 

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

yeah, its stupid enuf

from Delhi
14 years ago

Time for some more smileys.....

really need it....

from Delhi
14 years ago

some for hang out

from Delhi
14 years ago

for watering mouth

from India
14 years ago

This thread alive again....Surprised


Need of an Hour... More Smiley

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

wat abt cry-ies???

from India
14 years ago

ya counted... @Pen

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Need new Smileys... *desperate* 

from Delhi
14 years ago

need suggestions...

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Need more new Smileys please.. *really desperate*

from New Delhi
14 years ago

Is it not possible to introduce more smileys at all?Frown I wish we could steal all of Yahoo's smileys, duplicate them and put em here!!!! Tongue out That would be AWESOME!!!!!! YellWinkLaughingCool

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