Pavithra Reddy would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Cant wait to know your thoughts!

Pavithra Reddy
Pavithra Reddy
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hi !

I would love to know what you think of my blog

Here it is

Feel free to drop in your views :)



Replies 1 to 4 of 4
Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago


Your blog is definitely interesting. And great narrative skills. I read the "One upper syndrome" fully and liked it ; usually I skim thru long-ish posts :D.

And yeah, Eat-street (we call it tindi-bidi in vernacular) absolutely rocks!!! I couldn't help grinning ear-to-ear ("Oh,here's a foodie") reading that post :)

A couple of suggestions : The blog is taking a few seconds to load. Maybe use another template?

And the length of the posts. This suggestion is debatable on many levels, I agree :)



Pavithra Reddy
Pavithra Reddy
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hey Pavan!

Thank you so much for taking time to scan through my blog! And also for your comments.Highly appreciated ! :)

Yep, I have noticed that loading problem too..But I am in love with that template somehow and cant seem to give it up :D Will try and change it soon!

And about the length of the posts, I totally get your point and will try to keep it short :)

Thanks once again!!

Pavan Kulkarni
Pavan Kulkarni
from Bangalore
14 years ago

But dont get too conscious about the length. Write whatever you feel like :D

Pavithra Reddy
Pavithra Reddy
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Goes without saying! :) But a little trimming will do some good for sure! :P