Sanjeeta KK would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 62

My updated blog and your comments

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Wish you could review the new blog and let me know how I fair.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: more detail
Replies 1 to 7 of 7
from Coimbatore
14 years ago


I loved it. You've done a great job. I've joined your site now

keep going


Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks Swetha for the lovely comment.

from Bengaluru
14 years ago
Nice blog. Really looks good and catches attraction. Nicely arranged and attractive widgets too. It shows you are a experienced blogger. Contents are mouthwatering with pictures. Even the other blog looks decent :) Great going n improve up on this :) Go through mine too -
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks Naveen. Experienced blogger? You didn't read my about page?

Sure I will review yours.

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

My link didn't come up last time? Here it is.. A Journey to the Unknown Spaces

And the site definitely looks mature enough :)

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago


I checked your site. Very interesting and informative site. Categories your articles and make sub titles for each topic to keep the readers engaged. 

All the best.

from Bengaluru
14 years ago

Thanks for that :)

from Dindigul
14 years ago

nice bro ......

Really Heavy doss.......

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Heavy doss...dose??? a bit confusing to assimilate.


Anyway after browsing your site I think I better start following football matches. Good.



Sumit Nangia
Sumit Nangia
from Pune
14 years ago

Hiii sanjeeta mam,

i think i need to call you my mam only, because of two reasons... first you are elder than me and secondly you make me remember my "cousin's foodism"... i called her mam

Just gone through your blog... really awesome, i must say...

i just had my dinner but i think i will have some carrot muffin of yours now... it looks too yummy, believe me you should write a cook book, it will be an instant hit.....

I will try some more of your receipies soon, but for now i am going to make that carrot muffin for sure, even when i showed my mother your blog, she simply asked me thank you for writing and so wonderfully maintaining such a blog....

In case you get some time, do review my blog too..

I write about life as i see from the viewpoint of a college going student, a bit philosophy and all.. hope you would njoy reading.

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Hi Sumit,

Thanks for your sweet comments, and special thanks to your mom.

I browsed your blog, the content is good, but I felt that too much of color in the text was a bit distracting. Black on white is always prefered for better reading.

Hope your search to find yourself through your blog is over soon.

All the best.

from Kerala
14 years ago


Just visited your blog. Mouth watering contents. No comments about the theme. Best use of the famouns arthemia theme. Change the default favicon of arthemia to something related with your blog title or content.

All the best keep cooking and posting Smile



Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks for visiting and commenting about the site. Not familiar with favicon though. Shall check it out.

Thanks again.

Narendra Vyas
Narendra Vyas
from Bikaner
14 years ago

hi, i visited your blog. you r really doing a great job. i really inspired. i have also a hindi literacy blog. in this view i posted there all kind of hindi poetry, gazals, stories, short stories, essays,  that all because of hindi. i like to say that plz visit this blog and suggest me. with best regards. keep it up sangeeta and all of lovely friendz. thanks a lot

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Great work done, and kudos for keeping our culture and language alive.  Like the simple and neat presentation, helps to focus more on the content rather than the surroundings.

Simplicity at its best.

Best wishes, keep up the good works.