Let's help out wannabe bloggers

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Guys, I got this message today:

very first i am new to indiblogger  ,i have got registration by my id already and i want to start a blog ..mean its lot confusing stuff over here..for neophyte like me..can u please guide me o get a blog with already registered id pls.I know its silly still kindly help out. - Shruti

Let's all contribute towards this topic - and make a step by step guide to Shruti and other wannabe bloggers for getting onto the Indian blogosphere. Unfortunately she cannot participate on the forum as she doesn't have a blog. But I've sent her this link so she'll be grateful for the help!

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from india
15 years ago

yes  renie you right,

Smile i will say one should start the blog and same time should join the indiblogger forum

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

@ Su - great start!  I have just added few details.

Since I blog on Wordpress, I am writing the instructions. Hope they are helpful.

Creating an account for blog:

1. Go to http://wordpress.com

2. On the home page, you can find the banner, 'Express yourself. Start a blog' . Click on the 'Sign up now' button. This will take you to the 'one-step' form.

3. Enter details for form: Username could be the name of your blog (ex: mythoughts) Enter a password, and email address you would use. Legal Flotsam: Check the box indicating you have read and agreed to their terms of service. By default the the 'Gimme a blog' will be selected. If it is not selected, select it.

4. Click on the 'Next' button at the bottom of the page. This will take to the page where the Blog Domain, Blog Title, Language you will be blogging in will appear. You can select any Blog Domain which has not been taken, (similar to how you would select a unique email id for yourself when you sign up.) Enter the Blog Title, and select the language from the drop down menu.  Check the 'Privacy' settings based on your personal choice.

5. Click 'Sign up'  An email will be sent by Wordpress to your email account to activate your blog.

Activating your blog:

1. Click on the link sent to you via email to activate your blog.

2. Note down the login information displayed, and log in to Wordpress using that username and password. This will take you to the 'control room' called Dashboard.

Adding Posts:

From the Dashboard, you can add new posts.

1. On the left hand side, click on  'Add new' under 'Posts'.  Add a headline, and anything you intend to write about. Click on 'Publish' and your blog entry is published!!!!

For ideas on what to blog about, click here. And any questions, or queries, feel free to post it on Indiblogger! You are assured of help in this forum by its members!

All the very best! And Welcome to Indiblogger!

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