Widget help SOS!

from New Delhi
14 years ago

I have tried putting in the html code for facebook like button in my blogger posts but was unsuccessful?I am putting the code after div <post body>.

My template is blogger minima.What's the problem?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Ascending
from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago


Your theme is not an eye catching one. Plus, wholesome is spelt with small w in the title of site. I guess capitalising it won't hurt. Laughing. The page is very long and it takes a while scrolling to the bottom. A fewer number of posts on home page or reducing their size with <--More--> tag in blogger will help. The content is powerful and attention catching.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Hi Varsha

Sorry for my late reply.

I had not tracked on the status for this discussion.

For putting the button in posts, let me have a look at your code.I can test it and tell you the exact place where to put it.

I have already solved the issues you mentioned above with my site and they had been striking me from quite some time as well. Just got into my designer gear last week and turned it around. Have a look and let me know.Sure, I am up for being a guest author on your blog. Lets exchange a few posts. Will be fun.

I will get back to you about your blog's feedback soon.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Go to your Blogger dashboard> Design > Edit HTML.

Check the 'Expand Widget Templates' box.

Look for this code:

<div class='post-header'>

    <div class='post-header-line-1'/>


Paste the code for the Facebook button below that and save. The button will appear below the title of the posts like you can see in this blog: http://technosophi.blogspot.com/

Save a back up copy of your template just in case something goes wrong.

Have fun! 

from New Delhi
14 years ago

Thanks for responding Abhinav! I want to put the button in the post body ie either above or below each post. Your way would put it in the sidebar.Any solutions?

I went through your site as building muscle and burning fat has been my passion for a while-a lonely pursuit as there are very few Indian women(or men) who see weights as a feminine activity.

I wanted to see the posts on nutrition-but only one topic is visible at a time-some issue with archiving?I would also love to see all that information in a more informal style-and without a commercial plug after each post.Although if it's a mainly business venture-than that may be necessary.

I also have a site on my fitness/nutrition obsession-http://wholesomeoptions.blogspot.com/

what do you think?would you like to guest post?



from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

You do not need to modify your template for that.

You can instead use a Javascript/html gadget in blogger.

Go to settings> page elements>gadgets>script/html> add your code into it.

That is it. Now go to your homepage and check.

Hope it will help you

Build Muscle Burn Fat

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