Selective Concept - Blogging

Ajay Chavan
Ajay Chavan
from Pune, Maharashtra
14 years ago

Hi all,

The concept of Blogging is new to me, but the consistency of blogging with a generic concept made me to come to you, views & reviews helps us.. ideas & suggestions are welcome.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

Ajay, you have made a good start and the template looks impressive.

I firmly beleive a blogger to stick to a topic of his interest, instead of writing his general stories.

Ajay Chavan
from Pune, Maharashtra
14 years ago

Hi Rajan,

your quote did really inspired me. 


Thanx dude

Ajay Chavan
Ajay Chavan
from Pune, Maharashtra
14 years ago

Hi Mohan, 

Thanks for your inputs, considering me as a new friend & helping me.



Harsh Agrawal
Harsh Agrawal
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Ajay your blog looks good..

Few suggestions regarding design:

Keep it simple and elegant

Use excerpts

Add Tweetmeme/Fb Share button

Remove unwanted widgets from sidebar.....

Give a prominent feed subscription button..

Add a Facebook fan page widget

Ajay Chavan
from Pune, Maharashtra
14 years ago

Hi Harsh,

Thanks a lot, I m happy for your review, I will make it simpler.


One again thanks for your input

from Bangalore
14 years ago

It is no more Facebook Fan page... instead it is called Facebook LIKE widget!

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