How much do you earn blogging?

This is more of a survey than a question or discussion. I would like to know if any one of you is earning decent online income via your blog(s). If so, how much do you earn online per month?

cheers, Ajith Edassery

Replies 1 to 20 of 38 Descending
chander deep singh
chander deep singh
from jalandhar
16 years ago

i also dont know much about this...

but man blogging is something where u can share urs thoughts,feelings,activities occuring in world...

so it depends upon u

but if u came to know about urs question's answer ,then let me know ,as  one of mines friend is also intrested in doing that things....

Who is getting decent returns from AdSense here?

Harsh Agrawal
from New Delhi
15 years ago

For me adsense is working great after affiliate marketing

from kolkata
15 years ago

i got banned from adsense couple of years back :(

Rajeev R
from New Delhi
15 years ago

What is affliate marketing?

from kolkata
15 years ago

affiliate marketing is selling other person product for some commission ...

and i think thats where the money is ..

from Bangaluru
16 years ago


I am also trying honestly but not lucky to say earned this much.

But still doing....

dr vinod
from bangalore
16 years ago

hope everyone tells truth

Thanks Nutty. 10 months and just $10! Man, that's crazy.

And I visit once in a while. It's a real professional blog with massive traffic and income. We can't compare ourselves with Amit :)

shri krishna
shri krishna
from ajmer
15 years ago
Harsh Agrawal
from New Delhi
15 years ago


Adsense don't appove application easily.

Keep resubmitting and since you are using blogspot I suggest using method to get your adsense account approved.

I have written about it long time back though unsure if I'm supposed to give links here.

Bishwajeet Mahato
Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

My Last month's earning from my blog was 154.6$(Adsense +private ad). As my blog is just 6 months old so its fine for me. As a student the earnings are cool for me.

Having a target of reaching 1000$/month by the end of December lets see what happens.

from kolkata
15 years ago

thats pretty cool .. have you got your paycheck from google as yet ?

Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

Now @ 250$+  last month hope to increase in the coming months

from kolkata
15 years ago

cool .. nice to hear that ... i never had any luck with adsense ... but congrats

Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Firefox with adblock+ & noscript addons literally kills the ads, be it chitka, adbrite or anything else. How to get pass this barrier?
S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Let ma see your Blog I will be perhaps of some help.

S K G Rao
S K G Rao
from Bangalore
15 years ago

AdSence have accepted NOW (a month back)4 of my Blogs( There are 5 ) after 3 years.

Google is not accepting a Blog on Technical Textiles my 3 years effort and over 300 posts as it is a copy from various websites that is compilation which is the essence of the Blog for freely educating young Technical Textile Students since no School or college in INDIA is offereing even a undergraduate degree in this subject.Even they have not introduced the Syllabus perhaps as there are no PhD fellows in Technical Textiles even in Textile Universities,(they are all in USA)and Research Institutes in the required area.My object is to help the stdents to learn Technical Textiles which is the GOLD MINE in this field. The Blog is also of immence help to technicians and Technical Textiles Industrialists.

Google AdSence search engines perhaps target software sites hens our friends Mr.Biswajit Mahoto,Piyush Kumar are fortunate I wish the Good Luck,

Mr.Ajit Prasad is damn right you can't expect from AdSence like the fortunate few who teach Computer tricks.

My 4 Blogs accepted by Google on trail are:


[ The above 2 are trchnical ]


( The above two are mine & my Wife's Blog.)

All are more than 2 years old.

One more point AdSence Blog sence must get ammended as it's a hurdle,becouse none of the websites that have been republished in my Blog  have not been complained and I have sent e-mails for confirmation while mant have no objection and none have objected even after my request to republis. What is the problem for Google.

Is there any raciest view and quota for Adsence.

There only reply id AdSence guide lines are objections.

We must [ All Bloggers in India must write to Mr.President Obama.].

Yes We can do it.

The problem is Google AdSence has perhaps not in a position to understand my position they also need $$$$$.

My blog income reduced drastically over the last two months due to lack of effort and attention. I managed to make only about $430 in the last quarter. Harsh definitely can give you more tips :)

I should myself target something like $500 a month at least by the end of the year. Need to put some strategies together towards achieving the same...


Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

Maybe its due to recession

from Chicago
15 years ago

Boy that's a lot you've made actually. I've been blogging since 3 years and couldn't make more than $10 through AdSense. But then I guess that is due to my generic topics and inconsistency. Didn't try Amazon but will give it a try.

Adesh Sidhu
Adesh Sidhu
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

This is really nice initiative Binary Day. I will look forward your insights on this topic. Thanks.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

I have not managed to earn more than $10 in last 2 years... and Adbrite has helped me earn just $0.21 in two months. My Blog got more than 1000 viewer ship per month recently only. There is more that I need to do and I am doing that.

NT Balanarayan
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Try to get it to a minimum 100 unique visits (not page views) per day to expect any decent returns

from Hyderabad
15 years ago

This is a really good question from Ajith Prasad. I have read all the comments many have not answered how much they have earned. Coming to me I have started my blog in october till now i have eaned 100$(in 5 months). As i am student i am happy with what ever xtra money i get. But after reading several blogs regarding monetization i came to a conclusion that we can 100$ easily every month. In this month till now i have earned 43$Cool .Recently i posted  how to earn 27$ easily in 2 days check it

अजीत, यह सवाल पूछने के लिए धन्यवाद, और उन मंजे हुए ब्लोगरों को भी जिन्होंने ब्लोग से पैसे कमाने के इतने सारे तरीके सुझाए।

मैंने इस पृष्ठ को बुकमार्क कर लिया है, और फुरसत से इसका अध्ययन करूंगा।

एडसेन्स आदि को लेकर कई लोगों ने शिकायत की है कि वे किसी ब्लोग को स्वीकार करने या न करने में मनमानी करता है। राव साहब ने तो उन पर नस्लीय सोच रखने तक का इलजाम लगा दिया है।

तो मैं सोचता हूं कि क्या यह संभव है कि भारत के कोई उद्यमकर्ता एडसेंस जैसा ऐड वितरण करनेवाली कोई कंपनी शुरू नहीं कर सकता? बैंगलूर में आईटी के इतने सारे जानकार हैं, क्योंकि इनमें से कुछ मिलकर एड वितरण कंपनी शुरू करने के बारे में विचार करते हैं?

इससे भारतीय ब्लोगरों को ही नहीं, बल्कि नुक्कड-गली के दुकादारों, और छोटे व्यवसायियों को भी फायदा पहुंचेगा क्योंकि वे अपनी दुकानों आदि के विज्ञापन हिंदी, कन्नड, तमिल आदि भाषाओं में ब्लोगों में दे सकेंगे।

ऐसी कंपनी आर्थिक दृष्टि से सफल भी हो सकती है।

मैं समझता हूं कि जैसे रेनी और उनके मित्रों ने इंडीब्लोगर जैसा यह उम्दा जाल स्थल बनाया है, वैसे ही किसी उद्यमकर्ता को एडसेनेस-एडवर्ड का विकल्प बनाना चाहिए।

from kolkata
15 years ago

till date earned more than $1000 online but not through blogging, yet to monetized my blog using the art of SEO.

Pankaj Batra
Pankaj Batra
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

I earn around 30 USD per month from all sources combined

Visit my blog:


Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
15 years ago

I just did some crude calculations on the expectation on making money blogging for some body who blogs for 2 hours a day for 20 days a month and make about 5Lakhs per annum from day job.

Would love to know if my assumptions are correct. Ofcourse it will vary in every single case as expectation that one may have will vary from each person.


Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
15 years ago


I did some crude expectation setting for how much one should expect from blogging using the base salary of 5Lakhs per annum and 2 hours per day of blogging.  Would love to hear from you all.

How Do We Know
How Do We Know
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

i tried adsense once. The money was not too great. They gave me little control over relevant ads, and i didnt quite agree with Google's choice of ads on my page.

It gave me a few dollars, and i tried it for a few months. However, when i tried to remove the widget (i never claimed that princely sum from paypal), it just wouldn't go! I got totally disgusted and changed my template. Only then did the widget go away.

I didnt expect technical errors from a google product. At the moment, i am sworn off moneymaking from that blog. Its good as it is.

I also tried review for money for a while. While the orders were decent and the money not too bad (abt 3-5$ per post), i just got bored. However, i personally endorse adsense over the paid reviews front.

@HowDoWeKnow, If you get a lot of natural search traffic, AdSense makes a lot of sense :) It all depends on the traffic, keywords on your content and color scheme/positioning of the ad widgets.


@Prasad, nice calculation. Well, it all depends on what kind of a blog and content one has.


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