Pradeep Vaiddya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 25

Your words here are welcome!

Pradeep Vaiddya
Pradeep Vaiddya
from Pune
14 years ago

I am a blogger from Pune. I write two blogs currently. One is a poetry blog. Most of it is Marathi poetry and the other one is recently started English blog where I write something about something that strikes .. This blog is in english.

I am Theatre professional (Writer, Director, Music and Lights designer and Theatre Trainer) Theatre and Music being my passion and profession I an having fun!

You are welcome to my funland!



Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Pradeep Vaiddya
Pradeep Vaiddya
from Pune
14 years ago

Hi Anup,

Thanks for your reply.

I will search for such templates on the net. All those provided by the blogger are quite boring .. I searched for many .. the downloading templetes did not work on many attempts .. so resolved to these ones. I am not happy either .. I am looking for more options .. do let me know if you know any source of the type of templates you recommend.

I shall check your blog today and revert.

Thanks again .. Have a great time !
