Problem with feeds + indirank

from Calicut
14 years ago

I moved my feeds to feed burner before a month or so, as the new indirank update has gone through the feeds detected are still my older ones and my last post, according to indirank was 2 months ago somewhere in january, though I have posted some 2 posts in february, so is there any option to change the feed url in indiblogger??Any help would be appreciated...

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: typographical error
Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
from Bhopal
14 years ago


I too faced a similar problem. I'm also out of solutions.

Really someone has to help us!


Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I too moved too feedburner quite a while back, as long as you have done the relevant feed redirects with blogger, IndiBlogger automatically catches on. Don't know what's wrong here.

from Calicut
14 years ago

Did that when I moved my feeds, or else feeds woldn't be available, the thing is indiblogger still uses the old feed url....


Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

When you changed to feedburner, did you do the redirect from setting in your blogger dashboards? My best guess is that you didn't & that's what's causing the trouble.

Go to blogger home, then settings (of the blog) then 'site feed', then key in the feedburner url in the space that says 'Post Feed Redirect URL'

Hope that helps.

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