Parashar Pandya would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 24

Let me know how about my poetry and some of the personal blogs.

Parashar Pandya
Parashar Pandya
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hi. I have been on the blogging scene for 3 years now. dormant for the 1st two years , but active for the past year.

It contains some tidbits into my college life and also some poetry which i have penned down for someone special( Although she doesn't realize it).

Review my poetry and let me know your opinions. just want to know if my latest poem " On This Day" doesnt sound too cheesy.



Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Pooja Doshi
Pooja Doshi
from Mumbai
14 years ago

hey parashar,

i am going through your blog right now, and its wonderful. i so envy the people who can write poetry.. something which i somehow have never tried to get.. so as far as the content of your blog, you are doing a great job..

for the presentation part:

1. add a "rss feed subscription" and "e-mail subscription" widget.

2. tag your posts. insert a "tag cloud". it is easy to navigate for the readers.

3. add a "read more" option to your post.. so that the reader doesn't have to scroll down the entire blog to find the post he is looking for.

4. "follow me", "facebook fan" "twitter" widgets can be added to increase traffic. And also to update old readers about new posts.

5.plz change the template, it's too boring.. the template should reflect you and your blog. make it a little more lively and interesting, something that draws ppl's attention.

6. the font colour of your right-hand widge column is not good. it is difficult to read.

7. the "quotes of the day" widget it unnecessary.

8. add some pictures, make it fun!

I guess that's about it. your content is great as i already mentioned, you are going to go a long way..

oh, as for "On This Day", I liked it a lot.. not cheesy.. it happens a lot i guess, relating a song/ lyrics to day to day things..

Parashar Pandya
Parashar Pandya
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hey, Thanks a Lot Pooja. Will surely Implement your suggestions. I know that will make my blog better. And i am glad to know, you liked my poetry...i am just a begineer. learning.