How Popular Companies Devised Their Name? Is there any reason behind it?

from Vijayawada
14 years ago

I have been wondering about "why Apple selected its name as Apple why not Banana?" and my next thought is "How the Names of the Popular Companies been chosen, Is there any reason behind that"?

As a result, in order to stop my enthusiasm, I have started searching for the reasons behind "How the Popular Companies devised their Name", and I think I got successful in achieving it.

So I found Reasons of few Companies like GoogleYahooMicrosoftSamsung, Redhat Linux, AppleAdobeIntel, HP, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Hitachi, Panasonic, LG and Akai.

Lets proceed to the actual story @ GadgetCage
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Hitched Hiker
Hitched Hiker
from Mumbai
14 years ago

There are enough blogs and articles going nice and deep to answer this question.

from Vijayawada
14 years ago

Yup I have even answered this question :) too in my blog

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