Facebook fan pages
Facebook has took lead in social networking sites and have base of more 350 million people. Many bloggers use it for additional activities like contests and updates.
So, now lets share Facebook Fan pages links here so that Indiblogger community can have a look at them.
Here goes mine:
Profile Link: http://www.facebook.com/tutkiun
Its for everything and anything in MARATHI...
Jay Maharashtra...
Hey guys, I'm writing a book of epic poetry and the protagonist has a facebook fan page at
Thanks for your support!
Keep writing, stay inspired!
Mine is
LIKE is if you like the content
Fan Page of Jaipur Chapter of INTACH
Even I created a FB Page..and here is mine..a new one..
The facebook page of my blog is http://www.facebook.com/pages/NkR4068-A-Blog/158203567527005
Here is my facebook page.
Catch MONEY MATTERS on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/nsquaremoneymatters
Herez my Facebook page for my Weblog - http://www.facebook.com/msigeek
A breif overview - " msigeek is a Technology Weblog authored by a Microsoft MVP focusing on Windows 7 Tips, Application Compatibility, Windows Installer, Deployment guidelines, Tutorials, Webinars, Ebooks, IT News and Reviews."
Do have a look through it and lemme' know your comments.Here I drop my blog's fb page too :D
The Busy Blog: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Busy-Blog/106157066083719
My facebook page is My Infatuation Love Demystified - 150 fans..!
Amit Purohit The Lone Soldier
Our fanpage: http://facebook.com/newsthatmattersnot
News That Matters Not is India's first-ever students-run news satire and humour blog. Features political, social, celebrity satire through humorous stories, funny astrology, and beauty tips, and sarcastic reviews.
This is the Facebook Fan Page for My Guesthouse in Jaipur.
This is the Link For My Blog On This Jaipur.
hey here is mine
and with ma blog
Mag's INsanity:- http://whitestick-member.blogspot.com/
hey guys,
this is my page....
do visit this and my blog let me know ur comments
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