Blogictionary - A dictionary/glossary of Blog terminology
Dear Bloggers, Let us have a compilation of blog related terms and their meanings. May be we can coin new terms related to blogs too. Let me start with the basics
Blog - Web log ( initially some one used the term Web log as We - blog)
Blog - as a verb, the act of posting an article on a Blog site.
Blogosphere - The term referred to the whole collection of blogs on the net
Blogger - The person who is publishing the blogs
All the terms which I suggested started with "blog", but it need not be like that. So the expert bloggers may kindly pitch in with the additions.
Definitions, if not correct can be discussed upon and arrive at a consensus as far as possible.
Reason: edited the topic name
Blogroll .n A list of other blogs a blogger might provide links to from his blog.
Moblog .n A blog primarily created from the mobile phone, a portmanteu of mobile + blog
Blogerado .n A generic term referring to the whole of blogosphere and its blogs.
As a matter of fact my first post called Blogcode, a gross code governing the blogosphere :) (Permalink )
Blog code concept is good !!
Blogoversary - Anniversary of a blog (courtesy's comment on another blog)
Hey Hitesh, I didn't know that fact. Is there some stats for that? Is there some explanation for that?
Just like there are Vlogs (video blogs), there can be Plogs (picture blogs).
Wordless Wednesday -- Wednesday is marked as the day where bloggers post pictures of video's, no text.
Got another one
Splog - Spam blog
Bloggeist - A person who believes in Blog
You forgot IndiBlogger - A blogger who is a member of and mostly from India but not necessarily
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