India in 2020...???

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

How would India be by 2020. Last decade saw groups mainly in IT sector, IT parks which was unheard prior to 2000, has become common now in tier2 cities.  But unfortunately infrastructure woes, bureaucracy continued.............. Will there be a change in the next 10 years?????

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Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

To me, to an extent country  needs to be run like a corporate company. As for as I know the chief political leaders president & PM of Singapore are paid comparable to any corporate chief and these country people was the best people as politician.

As a matter of fact, a countries economic condition &environment plays a important role in success of an enterprise. Hence, though an entreprenuer mght have a foresight, he would not be successful is conditions are not favourable for running an entreprise. If Google and Nokia had origin from a poor underdeveloped country, they would not have made it this big, even if they had seen the neccesity of the world.

My thought is that non of the political parties has vision 2020 for India, though I believe it was Abdul Kalam who had vision for 2020, but unfortunately he is not part of a political system in this country now, because political party are the one which run the country. Also, will India move from just follower and take up a leader role?

from Somewhere in India
14 years ago
Well....talking about google and nokia, i think it is the necessity which they saw in the wold. Technology..that is what they chose and they had solutions and they worked on furthering it. But, how would India be in 2020....that is something which is hard to relate to all that. May be...."what all else in India by 2020 " would be rather befitting. How a country would fare in ten years would have never been a question for Google or Nokia i presume. Any suggestions?
Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

In my last comment read 2010 as 2020...typo error...Cry

Guha Rajan
Guha Rajan
from Chennai
14 years ago

Garf..... True ten years down the line is difficult to predict or foresee.

Leading is all about foreseeing the future and targeting/projecting yourself towards the goal. One would not accomplish everything he/she wishes, thats life. However, one  need to have goal and then work towards it and on your way one would definetely face road block challenges, when faced with such adverse situation you need to work to change the situation in your favour or take an alternative path without getting  disheartened.

In the year 2000 or before, you might not have heard much about companies like

  • Google.
  • Airtel.
  • Nokia.

All the above companies are leaders in the respective field because of the foresite the had about their product.

Taking this to politics, you can find political parties vision might be to be in power by 2010. If I am not wrong, have not seen any political parties vision for India by 2010 Smile.

Let me know, if there are different thoughts......

from Somewhere in India
14 years ago


Man...thats ten years down the lane. The pace at which things are moving, i find myself unable to answer. Hope Ketan and shrikrishna get it right. :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I would imagine true merging of digital and real world. The phenomenon has started.. check out

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