Any Ideas to improve my blog (Wandering Mist)?
Hi there.. my blog is focused on things creative such as piantings, photos, art work, DIYS, thoughts and more. Is there a way I can improve it or are there any web elements I could add to it - at the same time keeping it clutter-free?
Thanks for wandering to this request. Hope you can help.
Reason: forgot to enter url
Hi Ishrath,
A quick review:
- Good and clean design
- Great tips and suggestions
- Clear and well clicked photos
I dont know if your focus is more on the graphices of the content, I think the photos take all the attention. One does not feel like reading the content as the phots take a lot of space. Try having post summaries and one photo as a part of the summary and the rest within the article.
This will call for more reader engagement. Have a blogroll if possible.
And yeah! go in for reader surveys and polls.
Rest everything is awesome. Keep it up. :)