Looking for feedback on my Travel blog
Please provide your valuable suggestions on my blog.
your blog has a good theme to it and looks neat. Here are a few suggestions:
1) your font type in your blog looks out of place, especially your heading, which dosent seem to be in accord with the blog theme
2) you have toooooooo many photos on your blog which is making the blog heavy and difficult to load. I saw a lot of personal snaps and i think you should avoid that. You dont need to show the world your friend circle and being a travel journalist you should try focusing on the location.
3) You need to provide more information on the location you have visited. Let every blog post have a title of the location, Give people various means of travel to reach the location, Approx expenditures one might incur, places to stay, places to visit etc.
4) try going through other travel blogs to get an idea
my blog: http://adityasmoviereviews.blogspot.com/