Is is right for me to take up Arms?

from Nagaland
14 years ago

Is is right for me to take up arms? I am living under a law called AFSPA that give power to the armed forces (wide powers) to shoot, arrest and search. All in the name of aiding civil power. All security forces are given unrestricted and unaccounted power to carry out their operations. The enforcement of the AFSPA has resulted in innumerable incidents of arbitrary detention, torture, rape, and looting by security personnel.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
abhishek khanna
abhishek khanna
from Delhi
14 years ago

@renie - none of those topics will cover the situation fully..

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Perhaps the title of this topic should be about bloggers spreading awareness on the  situation in the north east? Or about atrocities by the armed forces?

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