A New Republic Day?!?!?!

from Mumbai
15 years ago

OK, First of all I would like to mention that this idea is the brainchild of Mr. Balaganesh. I am merely putting in front of you.

He says,

On every Republic day there should be 10 social issues on basis of priority listed by the people and Govt of India and those issues should be solved by the next Republic Day.Gives a whole new meaning to the day every year. Every Indian should and will participate on those social issues and see how far the nation was united to work towards solving those issues.This will show if India has the strength, power and capability of fighting and solving issues within the span of 12 months.

This idea was expressed by Mr. Balaganesh in the form of a comment on my post  http://worldofteenager.blogspot.com/2009/01/to-all-my-fellow-countrymen.html

Please tell us what you feel about this feel free to give further ideas here or in the form of comments on my blog (linked above).

I hope I have not offended you, Mr. Balaganesh, in any way. If I have please forgive.

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from Chennai
15 years ago

hey dude i'm (AKA) BG and as everyone knows i'm extermely cool with anything ...you can check with my indi team mates about that. oh the comments they make...hehehehe. and yes , lets see what ppl have to say.

btw, dude i make loads of spelling and grammatical  mistakes, and i also have serious ADD. so that is my only concern heheheh

abt the comment , I think the real 'health of a nation' can be measured if we have such practices.

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