session time-out problem...

Varun Ramakrishnan
Varun Ramakrishnan
from Chennai
14 years ago

hi ... all...


why does my session at the indiblogger page gets timed-out soon , its not the same with other sites... any reasons for setting such a short time-out for the sessions ?

or am I the only one facing this problem ?...

thank u :)


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
Varun Ramakrishnan
Varun Ramakrishnan
from Chennai
14 years ago

thanks renie :)... have started using the "remember me" option.. hope it should be fine from now...

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hey Varun, when you login, are you using the "Rememember Me" option? I believe our sessions time out if there's 20 mins of inactivity...

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