తృష్ణ would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://trishnaventa.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 50

please review my personal blog

from hyderabad
14 years ago

this is my personal blog with all my opinions,ideas,feelings and my blog talks about my diverse interests on films,books and other things.

iam requesting a review because i just want to know how people look at my blog.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
14 years ago

i cannot comment on the content since i dont know the language. Your template looks very girly. Either change the colour or change the template altogether. Then again i dont know wt your content is all about so i cant really comment on the template. Just make sure its something that goes well with what you write.