Ashley would like you to review his/her blog.
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Your Views Matter!...Please Review

from Kolkata
14 years ago

I would love to hear your honest feedback on my month old personal blog.

Thanks in advance.



Edited 14 years ago
Replies 1 to 8 of 8
from Kolkata
14 years ago


Thanks for the comment. But how I wish you has said more...Smile

from Kolkata
14 years ago

Ah! A typo.

Make that "had said more"....

Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago

Before I say anything else, tell me how to get a 'tabbed' page in blogger. I have done some search on this topic and all the stuff that I found was so technical that it just put me off.

First about the template - I don't remember seeing any other monochrome blog. Dark brown on light brown. Gives it all a sepia look, like a photograph of your great grandmother.

As for the content, all I can say is I am numbed after reading 'A promise' and the numbness will take some time to wear off. Powerful expression.

Will look forward to reading more of your blog.

(I was about to type 'Promise' after the last sentence, then thought otherwise....)

On a little technical note, can you adjust the size of the topmost 'Welcome' widget? I feel it is taking up too much space (almost half of my screen, in fact).


Pushkaraj Apte

from Kolkata
14 years ago


By tabbed do you mean a menu bar? Some sites have very good and simple HTML for those. Just try googling for it.

I hope you liked the template. The colors are such because I felt that it would suit the blog and its content the best.

I realize that either the welcome widget should be slightly smaller or the post area should be higher. Will try to amend that. Just a little pressed for time.

Thanks for the review. Much appreciated! Smile






Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
14 years ago

Yes, I did realize that the colour scheme actually goes well with the overall theme, the 'essence' of the blog. Don't ever change it if you don't want to. Sepia pics have anyway a charm of their own.



from Chennai
14 years ago


G'day Ashley,

Like your pre-Promise posts. Nice sets of observations, those....

Only comment would be that your blogs end too quickly. Warm-up, boogie and wind down is the way I prefer it.

Have got this great analogy but will desist and just try explaining this by sayin that you have interesting thoughts, so explore a little more. Will add to the reading experience.

My thots. Think about it.


from Kolkata
14 years ago



But did you not like "A Promise"? Do tell me why. I really appreciate candid feedback.

I do have a tendency of being be to the point. I guess that is why my posts tend to be on the short side. But I like the sound of "Warm-up, boogie and wind down". So will try!Smile

Appreciate your thoughts. Will think about it. Thanks again.


from Chennai
14 years ago

Hello again !

Guess I should have made it a wee bit clearer - I liked your pre-Promise posts better, not that I did not like 'A Promise' per se.

Your pre-Promise stuff - sounds like an B.C / A.D thing, eh? - are more on the lines of topics that I blog on, hence me naturally leaning that way.

'A Promise' was slick but I had reservations about the concluding thoughtSmile. Subjective, I agree.

Your to-the-point-ness makes your posts crisp - which is great - but the chicken leg is over after too few number of bites.

Probably outstayin my welcome here !



from Kolkata
14 years ago


No. You are not outstaying your welcome at all! I loved your review. And everyone else's for that matter. Very thoughtful. Smile

I did check out your blog and I really liked "f.r.i.e.n.d.s". Will go through the rest later.

I am glad you have reservations about the concluding thought of "A Promise". Maybe that was the intent...




from Chennai
14 years ago


Hi again !

For fear of this turning out to be a side conversation at the exclusion of the others, am quite fascinated by the fact that the conclusion was designed to 'provoke'.

Am quite the fan of the terse ending myself, whatever be the slant......

Delighted to know that you visited my pie in the cyber-sky. You're welcome to stay on and make it home.



from Kolkata
14 years ago

Thanks.  Smile

Neeraj Gupta
Neeraj Gupta
from delhi->Bangalore
14 years ago

nice blog...

good template...


Neeraj Gupta


from Kolkata
14 years ago


from Noida
14 years ago

Hey.. You have a really great blog... Everything along with the look and feel of it is great...




from Kolkata
14 years ago

Thanks for the review!

Checked out your blog. Loved the layout and content.