Looking for a feedback on my Personal blog
hmmm... why do i want my blog to be reviewed... well, i need to know if i have to continue publishing to start with.. else, i'd go back to my Diary!!! :D
& ofcourse... feedback paves way to improvement !
Geetha Raj
Hello Geetha,
Kerala n Kuwait are two places that resonate powerfully with me, so guess I'm biased already.
However, Lalit is right (unfortunately !!) in that a reader would want to get somethin out of visiting your blog.
A blog does not necessarily have to be a wiki experience , it can be your own thinking yet maybe what you'd need to do is give the reader somethin to think about / experience from within your writings.
You could spur them to think thoughts of a philospical bent, get depressed, just laugh out loud maybe; anything as long as there is somethin for them to feel or do. Instinctively.
My thots..........
Hi Geetha,
I dropped a comment or two on the blog. I'm not good at reviews but being the author of a personal blog myself, I found the blog similar in content to mine, except maybe for the opinion pieces as the men before have mentioned
Having said that, you've named your blog after your earliest memory, as such it seems only natural for you to maybe, write about yourself. Maybe put some labels in and committ yourself to label each post differently, maybe one can be political and the next poetry. I particularly enjoyed the bit where you migrate from Kuwait.
I guess, such is the life of the immigrant. And from a dessert to the green of Kerala, that's quite a switch.
If you want to review my blog (which would be much appreciated) :
Thanks in advance!