Has blogging created workplace/family problems for You?

from Chennai
16 years ago

I have faced a lot of workplace issues as a result of blogging, even though my blog is personal. Starting from doubts about you leaving the company, negativeness to strong opinions, jealousy, and counter behaviour, i have faced a lot of issues at office - because i blog.

My family members wonder why i blog when i'm not making money out of it. Some people assume that you are looking out for a person of the opposite sex.

Have any of you faced such issues either in your office or family???

Replies 1 to 13 of 13 Ascending
from Sharjah
15 years ago

at the work front i dont face much issue , mainly i guess becoz i dont name my company and i dont present it in a bad light. It helps that in my blog the joke is always on me.

at the homefront, iam always in trouble due to my blog. My family happens to be my muse, so invariably an exagerrated version of my life does show itself and after my wife reads it, i get my arse kicked. not always but there has been occassions where what i write ensures that my sleeping arrangement get altered.

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
16 years ago

True Rafiq, Blogging has actually made a lot of people's life easier. I get to make my point across to a lot of readers. And ofcourse, it has been really educative for me as well.

Long live Blogging!

Rafiq Raja
Rafiq Raja
from Chennai
16 years ago

It's true that Blogging eats out your free time either at home or at work.  But, I should admit after I started blogging, it helped me bring my inner feelings to the audience, and through the way I also managed to garner a host of unknown friends, and cheerleaders.

Not to mention the learning I received through the way.  It has indeed opened up lot better things, though at the sacrifice of some family tie moments here and there.

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
16 years ago

yeah der are problems at home..

like when mama calls for food.. i'll be in front of the blog.. and that's when she hates this stuff!!Sealed


rest all fine!

Think beyond Imagination

from Chennai
16 years ago

@Zabi - Thanks for the insights. Point taken ;) What happens in one person's work or personal life - happens to everyone else in the world. And such info is available in newspapers, magazines, networking, and by word of mouth. So, why is an issue made when it is blogged. The resistance maybe because blog is a relatively new tool of expression.

I very rarely mention the real names. And yes, i do have the habit of giving details. Must be careful about it. But when you are not pointing your finger@someone with a specific name, then what is wrong in giving details???



from Chennai
16 years ago

@Amitabh - point taken ;)



from Chennai
16 years ago

@Amitabh - point taken ;)



Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
16 years ago
We all have only 24 hours - unless you choose to go in for a 36 hour day (it is possible you know - it has been done before; go figure). So when I chose to start blogging it was at the expense of other activities. And though blogging is not likely to create any problems at office and home, it is a distraction at time. Blogging can be addicting and so always need to remind my self that there is an office to take care of.
from Chennai
16 years ago

@All - Thanks for your insights.

@Amol - Great to know you write for Times of India. Teenage prodigy i guess :-)



Amol Wagh
Amol Wagh
from Nashik
16 years ago

For me No,Not at all....

Through my blog I got much of fame and technical knowledge , and i haven'tnoticed any loss yet.

I also get chance to write in Times of India Plus for my city Nashik.

That again exposed my knowlde to city,

These things happenig one after other have opened so many doors for me at the age of 20.


For Me - > "Blogging Rocks"


Ram Prasad
Ram Prasad
from Chicago
16 years ago

Good question, Anita.

1. Work: A number of companies (esp. in the US) frown upon it's workers blogging from work. Some do encourage it, but that is the exception not the norm.

In general, it is better to blog from outside your work intranet, if at all possible. This is esp. relavant if you are going to be blogging about work-related topics. Be extra careful if you are going to mention your (big) company by name.

2. Home: Obviously each situation varies. The best option would be to discuss with your partner and understand the root cause of their objection. A compromise might be to agree that you won't spend more than x minutes per day on my blog. It can certainly be annoying to the partner if you are off to check for new comments every so often.

Also, we obviously don't want our partners to get the sense that our blogs are more important than they are.


Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
16 years ago

@Anitha - I can definitely see how people can react negatively.

However, my experience has been different. At work, I check my blog only during a break(s). At home, blog time is after household work. So far, it has worked out fine! 

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
16 years ago

Actually for me, I haven't faced any work / personal problems. But I did blog about work issues sometimes. :-)

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