Suggestion for Changes in IndiVine
I would like to suggest changes in the way IndiVine works. Here is what I think that should be done:
The IndiVine needs to be restricted to a "time line" so that the voting of popular posts takes place within that time line which would allow fellow bloggers to go through the content and then vote on the same (In the current scenario, I don’t think the long thread of posts makes anyone go through the thread to read each and every posts and vote).
Let the time line be restricted to a week and after that it should be archived in weeks, months and year thereby generating a good list of popular posts in different categories every week.
The popular posts (Top 3 or 5) should be highlighted on the site at one given day (For e.g., if the week for submitting post link starts from Mon to Sun, then Mon should be the day to highlight the previous week popular posts) and maybe an email could be send to fellow bloggers informing the same.
The top three or five posts should be picked on the number of posts links that were submitted i.e., if the post links submitted under one category is less than 10-15 then top 3 post should be highlighted and if its more than 10-15 post links then top 5 should be highlighted.
This will enable the bloggers to explore new blogs and content.
In the current form of IndiVine, only a handful of bloggers are getting voted while the rest have no votes at all, the above suggestions would tackle this situation giving everyone a fair chance.
What do you guys think??
Reason: make some format changes
instead of the popular posts let the default in a topic be the latest posts..:)
i had mentioned this a while back in this forum itself. I feel it should be implemented if indivine is to improve
Want to begin with a qualfication that if it is too dumb, please ignore the suugestion.
I think Indivine should aspire to become the 'Digg' of India. One obviously can not become 'Digg' by limiting the voting to bloggers alone. Everyone should be allowed to vote (with a simple proviso that only one vote from one ip address).
The current process of submitting posts and waiting for someone to read it and rate it is excruciatingly painful even for the highger ranked blogs. Being open to bloggers only, everyone is interested in hawking their content and not what someone else wants to say. Unless we bring in more readers, this effort is doomed in the long run.
I second gayathir's suggestion... Can the latest post please be made the default view in Indivine, rather than the most popular post?
Also, please add a category for Nature and Design (or Decor or Architecture).
There are many themes that do not fit under Environment / Wildlife. A separate "Nature" titile will help....
There are many good blogs on interior design, decor and architecture... Due to the lack of a proper category in Indivine, these posts are either under Arts or Photogrpahy. Adding these categories to Indivine will help a lot.
I love this idea about Indivine. I agree with the need for a timeline so that the good posts which got buried deep under the rest of the posts do get some visibility.
you should include the demotion and comment option to make the process interesting,also points for commenting and voting.even mean comments should be allowed.also the idea mentioned by @Shahid Mukadam about blog widget is good.
Trying to design any system that is wholly impartial and takes into account only the quality of the post and not the ranking of the blogger is neither possible, nor necessary.
I agree with Survivor's 'Timeline' suggestion coz as of now, the 'popular' category is pretty much fixed. Very unlikely any new post would be able to reach that list.
'Promoting' musn't be incentivised (like a 'top promoter' showcase) coz that'll just encourage spam promoting.
Apart from the suggested change to the 'popular' category, I think the rest of the system, however imperfect, is still simple enough and reasonably effective.
Thanks Hiyaa, will check it out. We're planning to start work on these ideas by mid Jan.
don't know much but video blogging would be good ! I surely meant original by ourselves and not from youtube any other ways! Like about your talent,skill, PSA, hort film kind of maybe inspiring stuff !!
Many Thanks !
about education systems we can write and come up with something useful !!
I have noticed a flaw with the time line of indiVine. It says posted 13hours ago when i just got done with the post 4 hours back!
I think you should check for a bug there....
Hoping u fix it soon!
I am finally having success with Indiviine .... My submissions are getting more votes now, without campaigning :)
One more request... I am still totally lost on the Indivine categories... My posts on Sewing, Handmade crafts, Home decor, Garden decor etc have no matching category. I am adding every submission of mine under the "Photography" category.
Crafts / Decor / Architecture seem to be among the list of ignored categories. Can you please consider adding them to Indivine, please ?
how about if indivine works on the lines of Digg and Reddit?
on these forums there are two other features due to which the posts keep getting cycled:
1) vote down. there should be the option of voting down the post
2) time factor. each post must be ratioed against time and the post that gets the maximum number of votes in shortest amount of time should stay up on the vine and other posts should come down. This ensures that older posts get pushed down making way for new ones
I am a woman and I have to talk.. so here are my two cents ;)
I usually try to encourage new comers to indivine by voting for them.. but then it becomes difficult for me to read all the blogs I vote for. I look at the topic, a few lines of the blog at times and vote for it.
Some blogs are the ones I read and search for them to cast my vote.
When I see a long line of posts from the same blogger, I tend to walk away from indiblogger all together. It tries my patience.
After reading what Aditya has to say I know this is not going to be easy. I agree that there should be time limit to the number of posts you can put up on indivine.
@ Jayanta deka
I quite agree with your points and that's the very reason I have made suggestions for changes in Indivine which would deal with this aspect (Do read the suggested changes at the top)
It seems that the admin of Indiblogger are not bothered to reply in this forum or even act on this "Indivine" issue as its been over 7 months when this topic was created and we are yet to see anything being done to address the issue even as suggestions kept pouring in....
At the end of the day "Indivine" fails to promote new bloggers who don't have a network of bloggers and to do that in a never ending thread posts is quite a task!!
Sad but true......
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