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Looking for feedback on my new blog

Bhuvan Gupta
Bhuvan Gupta
from Mumbai
15 years ago

The origin of this blog lies in a fascination for both, nature as well as paintings, particularly mountains. Looked at various software available for creating the same. Chanced upon a freeware called "Terragen" with an relatively easy learning curve, with options to create decently good mountain and lake terrains.

Take a look around, I plan to update my blog daily so you will get to see a new photo everyday.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
from Faridabad
15 years ago

Sir, your blog name suggests there'll be a 'daily' photo. But that's not happening.

You may want to add other details - when you took the pic etc etc? More details kind of thing... :)

from Faridabad
15 years ago