Rohit Varma would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 39

I just moved from Blogger to Wordpress, need your inputs

Rohit Varma
Rohit Varma
from Mumbai
15 years ago


Great going guys ! You seem to be adding new features. I just checked your mail to me, admittedly for the first time, and saw that you have been ranking me. Thanks.

The reason I have contacted you is that I recently moved from Blogger to self-hosted Wordpress. Instead of creating a new blog in my Indiblogger account here, however, I have just edited the URL (from to Or, should I create a new entry in Indiblogger !

Hope this is OK ! Will it affect my rank, etc.

Any other inputs are welcome !

- Rohit

P.S. : Still adapting to the Wordpress platform, may change my theme to Thesis soon, etc.