In need of assistance in the form of reviews. Help !
Am new to this world and would appreciate your no-holds barred thoughts on my blog.
This has not even become a way of life for me, as it must be for a lot of you indibloggers, and am looking to work my way into that league.
Would be glad to review any blog that feels the need for my rupee's worth.
Reason: re-launchin request
no complains about anything on your blog. It seems quite fine to me. Only one thing. The ads are placed right in the middle of the post, which is literally shouting out 'Come click on me and help me make some money'. I suppose you should re-locate it.
Hi Aditya !
I fully agree and being ignorant in how to 're-position' things, I have just migrated to a wordpress site that has got no ads on it.
Am in the process of uploading it as we speak.
Thanks for speakin your mind.
Hello Ashutosh,
Thanx for your observation.
Point taken. As in my response to Aditya's similar observation (above), have got my stuff up on another Wordpress site - an ad-less one, thankfully - and I await Indiblogger to approve it.
Being a novice, I guess my mistake was jumpin onto the first blogging site I saw. Wisdom dawned much later !!