Category selection for IndiBlogger of the Month - Sep 2009

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Voting has begun for August - let's decide on a category for September in the meantime! Smile

Replies 21 to 40 of 110 Descending
Akhil Khatri
Akhil Khatri
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

what about something related to human???i mean a reality blog.....

Abhinav Sonkar
Abhinav Sonkar
from Pune
15 years ago

Let's go for Music Blog. I haven't seen nominations for Music blog since a long time!

Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago

i dont think we should have it on poetry this time cause we just had one on short stories and it would be unfair.

For tech blogs lets be more specific cause im sure there are hoards of tech blogs out there.


i would suggest review blogs. ex: travel reviews, movie reviews, book reviews, music reviews etc.

its something original and not just copy-paste stuff.

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Why not have a catagory of "spirituality" indian spirituality


Spirituality is the backbone of India. Sadly there are very few people inclined towards spirituality, and fews blogs are dedicated to indian spirituality.

from karkala
15 years ago


Abhishek Roy
Abhishek Roy
from Bangalore
15 years ago

How about health and Fitness??I am not seen any voting on that category for long time although there are many writing on that topic...Smile

15 years ago

    why not something different? How about an untouched subject like Smile SATIRE?

Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago

it would be difficult to defiine satire and plus i doubt if there are too many blogs on it.

from Coimbatore
15 years ago

Hi Everyone..

My blog is having mixed categories..will I be able to nominate myself....


I suggest Self narations (Sort of personal blogs..)

from Chennai
15 years ago

How about Humor or Blog Design ?


from Ahmedabad
15 years ago

Hi! I've joined this site just recently and well, why don't we do something random. LIke the most expressive blog ?! You know...the blogger whose expressed his/her deepest feelings. Or maybe the blog that makes us think!

Poetry will be good too.

Hope you like my idea! :)

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

Hmm may be technology Blog. Im New to Indiblogger. So that I wanna See how many votes that Im going to recieve!!

shashi singhal
shashi singhal
from delhi
15 years ago


i like s the story . but my blog is mixtured ,so  i voting myself why not ?

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Shashi, you flagged this topic for abuse, saying it's irrelevant to bloggers! Laughing Testing the feature or...?

Anand Sathyanarayanan
from Chennai
15 years ago

Funny man!!! I guess his category wan't featured !!

Vikram Karve
Vikram Karve
from Pune
15 years ago

1. Food.

2. Pets

3. Technology and Management.

from Trichy/Chennai
15 years ago

Original Poetry -- would be a good choice...

from Bhopal
15 years ago

Poetry sounds good.. :D

Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago


and besides were having something on original literature

Dr. Mahesh Sinha
Dr. Mahesh Sinha
from Raipur
15 years ago

whats blogging about ultimately ? 

Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago


expressing ones thoughts vocally for the world to see....?

Aditya Tibrewala
Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago

expressing ones thoughts vocally for the world to see...?

Aditya Tibrewala
from Mumbai
15 years ago

sorry for the double post, the first one didnt come for quite some time

from bangalore
15 years ago

my vote goes to poetry!

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