Alpha Inventions

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Those of you guys want blog traffic for your blogs just enlist your blogs at

one of the best ways of generating maximum views and added readership..its free ...


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

HI Zeon..


Actually what happens is very simple someone reads your blog and enlists it at Alpha Inventiions so when you see your dashboard  you see the referrer..


I was one of the first few ones to write a poem a post on Alpha Inventions..because we bloggers do need new added readership and viewership..


I got a message from Cheru Jackson that I share with all of you at IndiBlogger ..also I enlisted Indiblogger at Alpha Inventions too..

This was in reply to acomment I posted

From Cheru Jackson

You are already a friend of mine.  Your style of writing, and culture caught my eye.  It seems that you know much about this world.


My Reply to him

Thank you Cheru  I admire your vision, you are a one man army that has made all bloggers very happy..and I wish you a lot of success peace and prosperity. You single handedly have created a revolution, I am not at all curios how you did it.. that you did it is what matters ..the end is more important than the means.. I am a photo blogger and was introduced to blogging by Brandon Stone of Photo Blog Org and Biz Stone now on Twitter. Take care my good friend .. You deserve all the accolades and comments though scrolling over all the comments to write a new one could break any camels back.. Firoze Shakir India Mumbai



Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

@Firoze - Thats really a cool idea! Simple but gets the work done!

But do you know how new people get to know about Alphainventions? I guess like what you're doing right now. Word of mouth by different users? right?

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Rene I have seen the results on my various blogs including Flickr ...and the readership has grown considerably.. at Flickr its about 5000 views average per day, wordpress photographerno1 500 per day, firoze shakir .com about 400 per day, hijdaeunuch blog its about 1000 per day..


Cheru Jackson the developer has done what no one has ever done..and he is laughingall the way to the bank...


You can gauge from the comments reaction of other bloggers..


Though I firmly believe if you blog bravely , the right stuff with good content and substance you will be read


Take Care Renee


You too and your team have done wonders guiding the restless spirit of the Indian Blogger ..

Firoze Shakir

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey could you explain the concept of how this works? Thanks!

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