Regional language bloggers

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

It is wonderful to see the increase in Indiblogger membership and also the participation on the forum. However, membership and participation by regional language bloggers on Indiblogger has been minimal inspite of some discussions on this subject. and

Here is what I found from the tag cloud on the Indiblogger page.

Bengali blogs - 4 ; Gujarati blogs - 29 ; Hindi blogs - 483  ; Kannada blogs - 33 ; Malayalam blogs - 38 ; Marathi blogs - 72 ; Punjabi blogs - 8 ; Sanskrit blogs - 1 ; Tamil blogs - 158 ; Telugu blogs - 49 ; Urdu blogs - 5

Indiblogger so far has been beneficial to bloggers in English, and of late to few regional bloggers. Indiblogger should be able to extend a hand to regional bloggers (Indic bloggers) too . Can we have some kind of aggregator? I hope the earlier initiatives do continue. Renie, do we have any updates on this? 

Fellow bloggers, any ideas?  In particular, bloggers in regional languages could you share your ideas, comments, and suggestions? 


Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Ascending

Great suggestions ... thanks to all of you ...

Gopalam Karamchedu
Gopalam Karamchedu
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


I am new to this forum.

I blog generally in english. But most of the time it is about Telugu and things Telugu.

I started Carnatic Muisc upload announcements recently.

I do have a lot of Telugu entries and will continye to add more.

My blog became popular after adding Telugu content.

My question is how do I get more visitirs to my blog?

More people will create more comments and more enthusiasm.

Dear Adarsh Rao,

Thanks for bringing up this issue. We are a team blog that have been blogging for little over a year in Bengali at Bangalnama. It has been very exciting blogging in one's native tongue, and I am sure those of us who have had this experience will agree with me that blogging in regional languages needs to be encouraged, for Indic languages are an inextricable part of our identity.

Here are some suggestions from my side:

1. In the Indivine section, have a category for regional language posts, and within that have sub-categories for each of the regional languages that Indiblogger has registered bloggers for.

2. Use aggregators to increase participation of more and more bloggers using native languages.

3. Encourage Indic-language bloggers by maybe making some special Indibanner exclusively for them - won't that be cool? 

4. Make people aware of various user-friendly tools now freely available for writing in Indic languages. Like google keyboards in regional languages, and several others. These could be discussed in blogmeets too. Basically, spread the word.

5. Make "blogging in Indic languages" a more highlighted and visible theme on Indiblogger homapage for a few months.



Hope the discussion stays alive and hope that we have more and more bloggers blogging in their own tongues. Let a thousand flowers bloom :)



Team Bangalnama

Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Team Bangalnama,  Great job on starting a blog in Bengali! What you are doing is wonderful and I hope it encourages a lot of us out there to blog in our native language.

Thank you for your valuable suggestions! Having a category for Indic posts on Indivine is a good idea.  I do agree with spreading the word.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Team Bengalnama, those are some great ideas... especially the filtering within IndiVine by language, badges and knowledge sharing of the Indic tools. Will add this to our to-do list!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Adarsh Rao! Nice to see that you haven't given up on this. Smile

About 6 months ago we spoke to a popular Hindi blog aggregator (can't say the name) about combining forces with a targeted link exchange. However they felt that they would lose their traffic to IndiBlogger. Frown

I'm thinking that there's only one way to make a start, and that's by making a gesture - have IndiBlogger itself available in multiple languages, starting with Hindi. Going to be a fair bit of work, but better now that later! What do you guys think?

Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Renie!!! Thank you for joining this conversation!!! Too bad that the partnership with the Hindi blog aggregator did not work out. But, now it provides a good opportunity for Indiblogger to reach out!

How would we make IndiBlogger available in multiple languages? Would it be basically a 'Hindi' version of Indiblogger? Is that what you were thinking of?


Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Yep, that's what I'm thinking of... basically to make Indiblogger more "welcoming", we translate the navigation, signup page, error messages, faq's etc into different languages. How about we start with the navigation? Can someone give me the following in Hindi?

Home | Sign up | IndiVine | IndiRank | Directory | Forum | Meets | Contests | Addons | Blog

I guess IndiVine and indiRank should be simpy said using Hindi, instead of trying to translate them!

Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
14 years ago

Definitely I think this is a good start. Here is the translation in Hindi Renie.

Home: Ghar, but most of the time, I have seen just 'Home' written in 'Hindi'.

Forum: Manch

Contest: Prathyogitha


Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
14 years ago

Meets: Baitak? need confirmation from someone with more indepth knowledge of Hindi.

Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
14 years ago

Directory: Blog suchi

Blog, and Sign up can be retained same as in English I think.  They are reasonably known in the web sphere.

Renie, let us know if you need anything more. 

A Indic badge as suggested by Team Bangalnama would be super cool!

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Hi Khushi, Thank you for volunteering. We need to figure out a way so that bloggers in Indic languages join Indiblogger and avail the benefits. Perhaps people at Indiblogger are looking into exploring innovative ways to do so.

Do share if you have some ideas.

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Did this thread die again? :-(

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Hi Anwin,

Maintaining a mailing list of volunteers who can help with Indic posts is good. That is possible, only when Indic bloggers post their questions.

Getting Indic bloggers onto Indiblogger would be the first step.


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